Home asset tracking and inventory management
Setup and Run Instructions
Services I used: • elephant SQL for my postgres sql server • Auth0 for my authorization
To run, you will need to place a config file into the server folder (or define a custom path in the server.js file).
Config file: default name = .config
contents of config file:
module.exports = { domain: "localhost" ,clientID: "Oauth Client ID" ,clientSecret: "Oath Client Secret" ,secret: "session secret" ,user: "sql username" ,password: "sql password" ,database: "sql database (if using elephant sql, usually same as username)" ,host: "sql database URL" ,port: local port you are running on }
You can sign up for a free Auth0 account and follow the instructions for node server implementation Auth0 settings: Authorized Callback URL: http://localhost:3000/auth/callback Allowed logout URLs: http://localhost:3000/#!/, http://localhost:3000/
Database Setup: To initialize your DB, you can run the sql script in the \server\db\initialize_db folder