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Obol SDK Examples


The repo contains a JS+TS Examples for using Obol-SDK. It also includes a script to create clusters.

Installation And Running the examples

# JS
$ cd JS-Example
$ yarn
$ yarn run start

# TS
$ cd TS-Example
$ yarn
$ yarn run build
$ yarn run start

Runing the Script

The script creates clusters on mainnet based on data in clusters.csv. Update the configuration in clusters.csv before running the script. Update the chain Id in script.js if you want to create clusters on another supported network. Keep in mind that the script expect all validators in a cluster to have the same configurations.

Cluster Configuration Schema

column type
cluster_name string
withdrawal_address Address
fee_recipient_address Address
validator_count number
operator1 Address
operator2 Address
operator3 Address
operator4 Address
... ...
operatorN Address
$ cd Lido-Script
$ yarn
$ node script.js