
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Motion In-betweening via Two-stage Transformers


Jia Qin, Youyi Zheng, and Kun Zhou. 2022. Motion In-betweening via Two-stage Transformers. ACM Trans. Graph. 41, 6, Article 184 (December 2022), 16 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3550454.3555454

Based on repository of above-mentioned paper: https://github.com/victorqin/motion_inbetweening Test on Python 3.11 on a laptop without GPU.

Getting Started

  1. Download LAFAN1 dataset.

  2. Extract lafan1.zip to datasets folder. Bvh files should be located in motion_inbetweening/datasets/lafan1 folder.

  3. Download the pre-trained models from the Releases Page. Extract it to the motion_inbetweening/experiments folder.

  4. Install PyTorch. The code has been tested in Python3.8, PyTorch-1.8.2.

Generate Transition

To use the full method (Detail + Context Transformer) to generate in-betweening, run eval_detail_model.py.


usage: eval_detail_model.py [-h] [-o OFFSET] [-t TRANS] [-d] [-p]
                            det_config ctx_config animation output_dir

Evaluate detail model. No post-processing applied by default.

positional arguments:
  det_config            detail config name
  ctx_config            context config name
  animation             path to BVH file with animation
  output_dir            output directory where both reference animation and
                        inferred animation should be placed

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
                        animation clip frame offset from start, should be >=
                        175 (default=175)
  -t TRANS, --trans TRANS
                        transition length (default=30)
  -d, --debug           debug mode
  -p, --post_processing
                        apply post-processing


Get inferred result on animation aiming1_subject1.bvh from LAFAN1 dataset with transition=30 frames, where the animation clip starts at frame 450, save to the output directory:

python eval_detail_model.py lafan1_detail_model lafan1_context_model "datasets/lafan1/aiming1_subject1.bvh" output -t 30 --offset 450