
The template for Obsidian Mkdocs Publisher, a free obsidian publish alternative throught Mkdocs.

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Mkdocs configuration

You need to configure the plugin to work properly, and in parallels, the mkdocs configuration.

You can see more information about the site creation using The Material Mkdocs Documentation.

In your new cloned blog, you will spot a mkdocs.yml. This file allows you to customize your blog! The most important to edit :

  1. site_name
  2. site_description
  3. site_url (critical) : By default, it's https://github_username.io/repo_name[^1]

To edit the logo and the favicon, first put the chosen file in assets/logo, and change logo and favicon :

  1. logo: assets/meta/logo_name.png
  2. favicon: assets/meta/favicon.png
  3. In order to properly work with SEO, also edit the extra with SEO: 'assets/meta/LOGO_SEO.png'

You can customize :

  • Font
  • Color scheme, palette, icons
  • Language

Check the documentation to get more information

You don't need to touch anything in features ; markdown_extensions…

Extra configuration

The last part of the mkdocs.yml is a configuration for the hooks and the template Jinja displaying the list of articles (blog_list.html).

Blog list (article listing)

The list of articles is configured by the key blog_list and can take the following parameters :

  • pagination (boolean, default: True): Display a pagination if the list is too long.
  • pagination_message (boolean, default: True): Display a message with the number of posts (article/file) in the folder.
  • pagination_translation (string, default: 'posts in'): Translation of the pagination's message.

Default configuration:

        pagination: true
        pagination_message: true
        pagination_translation: 'posts in'


This part contains the configuration of hooks, short python scripts that allow to patch some Obsidian part incompatible with Mkdocs.

You can configure :

  • The suppression of the Obsidian's comments (%% comments %%): strip_comments: true
  • A fix for headings, which adds a # to all headings (except the 6th one) because the Mkdocs TOC considers that the H1 is the main heading/title of the file: fix_heading: true

Default configuration:

    strip_comments: true
    fix_heading: false

Local testing

To run locally the blog, you need to install the requirements and run mkdocs serve.

cd publish_blog
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdocs serve

A little advice here : You could use a conda environment here (or a venv, but I don't like venv.). Just use this:

conda create -n Publisher python=3.10.4
conda activate Publisher

Just before the pip install!