
Primary LanguageHTML


Project management application for REMAP

Check out the demo page

Demo Video

Packages Used

  • Flask

  • SQLAlchemy

  • WTForms

  • Flask-GoogleMaps

  • geopy

  • pdfkit (TODO: Find an alternative to this package)

Getting Started

Install Packages

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate (for windows venv\Scripts\activate)
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Application

Create configuration file

Firstly create an enviroment variable called "remap-config" which points to a "config2.cfg"

In the config.cfg file add the following setting in the format:

[setting] = [input]

Setting list:

REMAP_ADMIN2 = [email address for admin]

PROJECT_UPLOAD = [where to store uploaded project photos]

PROJECT_SOLUTION [where to store volunteer photo upload]

GOOGLEMAPS_KEY = [Google Maps API key]

BROWSER_KEY = [Browser key for google API]

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = [The database URI that should be used for the connection]

Initiate Database

python manage.py shell

user = Volunteer(name="Obsidian", email="obsidian@remap.com", postcode="SW18", password="aaa")


Start server

python manage.py runserver

Open up a web browser and type in the URL bar localhost:5000


  • Lose dependency for pdfkit
  • Use AJAX for the forms to reduce page reloads
  • Complete unit testing
  • Project list filter