
Receive emails from your servers asking for updates

Primary LanguagePython

This is a simple utility for checking for pending package upgrades on most common Linux server distributions.

The only thing it does is filling your backlog by reporting the pending updates not more and not less. If you want to do more complicated stuff (like automatically installing the updates) check out packagekit, ansible, chef, puppet and saltstack.

Best used like a email news letter and then on patch-day as ToDo list: delete the email after having updated the server and enjoy the list of emails in your inbox melting away.

Tested on:

  • CentOS 6/7
  • Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04
  • Linux Mint 19
  • Debian 8/9
  • Fedora 28

Show case

See docs/example.html for an example of HTML mail produced by this script.


To use the APT backend (on Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, ...) you must install python3-apt:

apt install python3-apt

For CentOS or Fedora (YUM, DNF) no extra software (aside python) is needed.

Clone the repository (if you have GIT, else install GIT or download and extract an archive):

git clone https://gitlab.terhaak.de/jojo/check_apt_updates.git /opt/check_apt_updates

Adapt the variables in the launcher script. You may also want to copy the script somewhere else (i.e. /root/bin). If you want you can also just use this script as starting point for an own launcher script.

mkdir /root/check_updates
cp /opt/check_apt_updates/check_updates.sh /root/check_updates/
vim /root/check_updates/check_updates.sh

Schedule the update checks with cron. Adapt the check frequency to your needs.

vim /etc/crontab
13      4       *       *       6       root            /root/check_updates/


See the file docs/usage.md for the script help pages and some usage examples.

An example Icinga2 set up is described in the file docs/icinga.md.

There are also two Ansible roles provided as starting point for your own deploy scripts: