
Python mail processsing framework

Primary LanguagePython

Mail filter pipeline

Python3 framework to implement extensible filter pipelines to manipulate emails.

The filters are implemented as plugin to encourage custom filter development. The description of the pipeline and configuration of the filtere instances is done in a yaml file in a verry similar way one describes ansible playbooks and module invocations.

The main use is as after-queue filter for postfix. Running as daemon the script accepts mails through a build-in SMTP server (aiosmtpd). When a message is received one or multiple pipelines of filters are kicked off. Each filter may modify the message, store the message somewhere else (ex. mysql) or do whatever is necessary. Finally if a smtp filter is configured, the mail is submitted back to the postfix queue.

The pipelines run in separate threads based on the producer-consumer pattern.

Example configuration

The documentation of the core filters can be found in the docs/core_modules folder.

- name: main_smtp_input
    port: 10025
    host: ""

- name: main_pipeline
  - main_smtp_input
  - debug: ""
    ignore_exceptions: true
  - mysql:
      host: mysql
      port: 3306
      user: mails
      password: "mails"
      database: mails
      table: mails
    ignore_exceptions: true
  - smtp:
      host: postfix
      port: 10026

For more examples see the docs/examples folder.


Intended to be run as daemon with systemd.

For manual launch:

usage: mail_filter_daemon.py [-h] [-c CONFIG_PATH]
                             [--log-driver {syslog,file}] [--log-dest LOGDEST]
                             [-v {error,warning,debug}]

Pipeline mail filter daemon

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to config file
  --log-driver {syslog,file}
                        Log driver to send log messages to. If not set logs
                        are written to stderr
  --log-dest LOGDEST    Log destination. Path to a log file for the file
  -v {error,warning,debug}, --verbosity {error,warning,debug}
                        Logging verbosity.


See INSTALL.md for install instructions.