Course of Computing Methods in Physics

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Computing Methods in Physics

This is the material used during my course. You can find all information about the course at http://www.roma1.infn.it/people/rahatlou/cmp/

  • Introduction to the course: pdf

  • Introduction to C++: pdf examples

  • References and pointers in C++. Constant. Namespace. Introduction to Class: pdf examples

  • Classes and objects in C++. Interface and attributes. Constructors: pdf examples

  • Separating interface and implementation. Header and source files: pdf examples

  • Using class std::vector. Dynamic memory allocation. Destructor. const member functions. Default arguments for functions: pdf examples

  • Applications in C++. Arguments from comamnd line. external libraries. Introduction to ROOT: pdf examples

  • Simple instructions for ROOT setup and configuration of ROOT and the shell environment: md

  • Dynamically allocated object as data members. Overloading operators. Adding operators to class Datum. class Vector3D: pdf examples

  • Overloading operators and friend methods. Static data members and methods. Application to compute weighted average: pdf examples

  • Example of static data member in class Datum. Enumerators. use case for std::map, std::pair, and std::vector pdf examples

  • Input/Output with TTree and TFile: branches with simple int and double variables: examples

  • I/O with TTree: variable size arrays. Storing user-defined Class in TTree: md, examples

    • jupyter notebook for interactive example of writing and ready a TTree with variable size arrays WriteReadTree.ipynb (you need jupyter installed on your machine. See https://jupyter.org. Both ROOT and jupyter must use the same version of python.)
  • Application for analysis of TTree. Creating custom analysis class: md, examples

  • Object oriented programming: Inheritance. Base and derived class. Introduction to polymorphism: pdf, examples

  • Polymorphism: abstract class and virtual methods. Applications: pdf, examples I, examples II

  • Strategy pattern, examples and applications: Numerical integration methods. custom Function class: md, examples

  • Composition pattern, examples and applications: leaf and composites in graphical applications. Example of a solar system simulation. md, examples

  • Template and generic programming in C++. Template functions: pdf, examples

  • Template classes. STL library. Error handling in C++ with exceptions: pdf, examples

  • Introduction to Python. Main differences with C/C++. Introduction to jupyter: md, examples

  • Python basics: semantics, flow control, built-in, functions, modules. Inline help: md, examples

  • Data structure in python: sequences. Lists, Tuples. Example of plotting with matplotlib. Motion of a body under gravity: md, examples

  • Data types in python: Dictionaries and sets. Comprehensions. data analysis with sets, lists, dicts. Plotting a histogram. revisiting example from previous lecture.: md, examples

  • More on Functions in python. Animated plots with matplotlib: md, examples

  • Numpy and array-oriented programming with ndarray. Example of random walk with arrays: md

  • Classes in python: inheritance and polymorphism: md