Yeats famously said “Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” He was right but wrong at the same time. You do have to “fill the pail” a bit, and these notes are certainly here to help with that part of your education; after all, when you go to interview at Google, and they ask you a trick question about how to use semaphores, it might be good to actually know what a semaphore is, right? But Yeats’s larger point is obviously on the mark: the real point of education is to get you interested in something, to learn something more about the subject matter on your own and not just what you have to digest to get a good grade in some class. As one of our fathers (Remzi’s dad, Vedat Arpaci) used to say, “Learn beyond the classroom”. We created these notes to spark your interest in operating systems, to read more about the topic on your own, to talk to your professor about all the exciting research that is going on in the field, and even to get involved with that research. It is a great field(!), full of exciting and wonderful ideas that have shaped computing history in profound and important ways. And while we understand this fire won’t light for all of you, we hope it does for many, or even a few. Because once that fire is lit, well, that is when you truly become capable of doing something great. And thus the real point of the educational process: to go forth, to study many new and fascinating topics, to learn, to mature, and most importantly, to find something that lights a fire for you.
To read more about the topic on your own, to talk to your professor about all the exciting research that is going on in the field, and even to get involved with that research. It is a great field(!), full of exciting and wonderful ideas that have shaped computing history in profound and important ways.
Everyone should enjoy CS if you have a good teacher to teach you a good course.
新冠肆虐,网课当道,CS 爆火,这一系列的事件都让自学计算机成为了一种潮流。
随着欧美众多名校将质量极高的计算机课程全部开源,自学 CS 成了一件可操作性极强的事情。毫不夸张地说,只要你有毅力和兴趣,自学的成果完全不亚于你在国内任何一所大学受到的本科 CS 教育(当然,这里单指计算机专业领域,大学带给你的显然不止是专业知识)。
我很庆幸在自己大一的时候就选择了自学 CS 这条路,它让我爱上了计算机这门学科,也无比丰富了我的视野。
我的目标是让一个刚刚接触计算机的小白,可以完全凭借这些开源社区的优质资源,少走弯路,在 2-3 年内成长为一个有扎实的数学功底和代码能力,经历过数十个千行代码量的 Project 的洗礼,掌握至少 C/C++/Java/JS/Python/Go/Rust 等主流语言,对算法、电路、体系、网络、操统、编译、人工智能、机器学习、计算机视觉、自然语言处理、强化学习、密码学、信息论、博弈论、数值分析、统计学、分布式、数据库、图形学、Web 开发、云服务、超算等等方面均有所涉猎的全能程序员。此后,无论是选择科研还是就业,我相信你都会有相当的竞争力。
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