Extract sea surface temperature from Landsat 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 collection 2 level 2 images and apply masks.
Matlab mapping toolbox required.
Warning: The function 'gettiffinfo.m' from matlab's mapping toolbox need to be modified to recover accurate geolocalisation.
Follow instructions: https://cosmojiang.wordpress.com/2018/04/02/matlab-geotiffread-for-multiple-layers/
: Landsat scene folder path <1xM char>
: < 1x1 boolean > retrieve land, small lake and river temperature; default = falseprc_lim
: < 1x2 double > percentils to remove (%); default = [2.5 99]
: < 1x1 datetime > satellite over pass date and timelat
: < NxM double > matrix of latitudeslon
: < NxM double > matrix of longitudestemperature
: < NxM double > matrix of surface temperaturefmask
: < NxM double > matrix of masks generated from fmask
[dt, lat, lon, temperature, fmask] = getLandsatL2_SST(pathfolder)
[dt, lat, lon, temperature, fmask] = getLandsatL2_SST(pathfolder, true)
[dt, lat, lon, temperature, fmask] = getLandsatL2_SST(pathfolder, false, [5 97.5])