Repository where users can contribute Kernels and code snippets
- Browse frequent questions, if you have a specific question, to see if an answer exists:
- Browse available code snippets from experienced Parcels users (and group members)
- Provide a code snipped (via PR) - either if you have a generally-applicable short code people frequently reuse, or you you want to provide a snippet to a still-open question
- Provide a question (if not already existent) via the Parcels main issue tracker:
Please do so via a pull request.
- Numerical libraries: numpy, scipy
- Libraries for accessing NetCDF and HDF5 data: netcdf4, xarray, h5py
- Libraries for plotting: matplotlib, cartopy
Those scripts represent either novel application kernels or more extensive example scripts for Parcels simulations, and thus require parcels as a package.
- Libraries for simulations: parcels (on conda-forge)
For running the '' scripts in the Snippets folder, you need to get the VTK library (also available via conda):
- visualisation library: vtk (on anaconda and conda-forge)