Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch, Moresby
An open repository where all members can contribute to the Oceanic Sector Files
✈️ Timely AIRAC updates.
AIRAC updates including fixes, VORs, NDBs and airports published monthly alongside releases from the respective aviation authorities.✈️ SMR
Surface Movement Radar for airports within our regions.✈️ SIDs/ STARs
Adding SIDs & STARs for all airports.✈️ Updating sectors and airspace boundaries
Keeping up to date sector boundaries and airspace maps for radar controllers.
Any member of the community may contribute this sector file so long as:
- The data provided is factual and realistic.
Ground layouts can be created by anyone simply by using Google Earth's polygon and line tools (see ATC Operations tools link above).
Create each feature of the airport individually in the following order, first = lowest:
Boundary/grass outline - (encompass the entire airfield with this)
Parking positions
Buildings These Polygon drawings create the TFL file
Stands lines
Taxiway lines
Stop bar lines The create the GEO file
You do not need to add taxiway or holding point labels.
- Fixes, NDBs, VORs
- Airways
- ARPs
- Airport Gates
We get this information automatically from AIRAC updates, this is administered by ATC Operations and any issues identified should be raised directly with the ATC Operations Assistant Coordinator.
By contributing to this repository you agree that the ownership of any alteration(s) and/or addition(s) you make are transferred to IVAO Oceanic in its entirety and cannot be recalled.