This is a template project for Nucleo-F446RE (STM32F446RETx) with FreeRTOS and LED blink
The script (from Reference 1) reads the .project and .cproject file created by STM32Cube and the platformio.ini file to create a build model that can be provided to platformio for building without using the libraries provided by PlatformIO. None of the PlatformIO libraries for CubeMX are used. This should provide a build result comparable to that in STM32CubeIDE.
Copy and rename the folder
Rename .ioc file -> Same as folder name
Use STM32CubeMX or STM32CubeIDE to open the .ioc file and configure. Gnerate code(required even if name was not changed).
Open folder with VSCode (For Windows, open with Admin Rights, or Turn on Windows Developer mode). PlatformIO extension should recognize this folder
Modify code between
and/* USER CODE END */
Build, Upload, Debug
Create new project from STM32CubeMX or STM32CubeIDE
a. Select MCU or board
b. Configure RCC; SYS: Debug -> Serial Wire; Timebase Source -> (Any TIMx, not SysTick)
c. (Optional) FREERTOS: Interface -> CMSIS_V2; Tasks and Queues -> Add and edit tasks
d. Configure clock speed
e. Project Name -> Same as folder name
d. Project location -> Folder to contain the project folder
e. Application Structure -> Advanced
f. Toolchain / IDE -> STM32CubeIDE
g. Code Generator -> Add necessary files as reference in the toolchain project configuration file; -> Generate peripheral initialization as a pair of '.c/.h' files per peripheral
h. Generate code
Open folder with VSCode (For Windows, open with Admin Rights, or Turn on Windows Developer mode). Use PlatformIO extension to Create New Project
a. Project Name -> Same as folder name
b. Board -> Same as selected in Step 1.a
c. Framework -> STM32Cube
d. Location -> Same as Step 1.d
e. Copy script file to folder
f. In platformio.ini file, add the following under [env]
extra_scripts = platform_packages = toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi@1.90301.200702 lib_deps = STLinkedResources
g. Rename any assembler files having a lower-case '.s' ending to upper-case '.S'.
h. Reload window
i. Modify code between
and/* USER CODE END */
j. Delete empty folders generated by PlatformIO:
- include
- src
- test
k. Build, Upload, Debug