

  1. jsoup-1.10.3.jar in current file.

  2. dom4j-2.0.1.jar in current file.

  3. jieba-analysis.jar in current file.

  4. org.json.jar in current file.

If using cmd.exe to compile and run:

  1. Change directory to current file.

  2. Enter javac -encoding utf-8 -classpath "jsoup-1.10.3.jar;dom4j-2.0.1.jar;jieba-analysis.jar;org.json.jar;" *.java to compile.

  3. Enter java -classpath "jsoup-1.10.3.jar;dom4j-2.0.1.jar;jieba-analysis.jar;org.json.jar;." main IPeenCrawler CKIPClient Term PIXNETCrawler Comment LexiconBasedMethod ActionAnalysis TextReader SegmentChinese SentimentAnalyzer FrequencyRecorder KeywordFinder SentimentalDictionary PIXNETDelicacyExplorer SqlFactory to run.