
Primary LanguageLua


Neovim: npm install neovim
Eslint: npm install -g eslint_d
Prettier: npm install -g prettier
Stylua: brew install -g stylua
ripgrep: brew install ripgrep

WSL dependencies:

GCC: sudo apt install build-essential


  • Lazy - A modern plugin manager.
  • Catppuccin -  Soothing pastel theme.
  • Oil -  File explorer.
  • Telescope -  Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
  • gitsigns - Git integration for buffers.
  • lualine - Statusline plugin written in lua.
  • treesitter - A parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library.
  • lsp-config - Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP.
  • cmp - A completion plugin coded in Lua.
  • copilot - Pure lua replacement for github/copilot.vim.
  • copilot-cmp -  Turn github copilot into a cmp source.
  • ident-blankline - Indent guides for Neovim.
  • spectre - Find and replace.
  • tmux-navigator - Easy Neovim-Tmux navigation, completely written in Lua.
  • symbols-outline - A tree like view for symbols in Neovim.
  • nvim-ufo -  Make Neovim's fold look modern and keep high performance.
  • dressing -  Improve the default vim.ui interfaces.
  • tsc - Seamless, asynchronous project-wide TypeScript type-checking.
  • vim-illuminate - Automatically highlighting other uses of the word under the cursor.
  • wilder - A more adventurous wildmenu.
  • mini-ident-scope - Plugin to visualize and operate on indent scope.
  • comment -  Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim.
  • fidget - Extensible UI for Neovim notifications and LSP progress messages..
  • NeoTree - Neovim plugin to manage the file system and other tree like structures.
  • diffview - Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs.
  • bufferline - A snazzy bufferline for Neovim.
  • null-ls - Inject LSP diagnostics.
  • navic - Statusline plugin that shows your current code context.


Keymap Description
<space>w Save file.
Quit file.
<space>o Open Oil.
<space>sf Search files (Telescope).
<space>sg Search file by grep (Telescope).
<space>/ Search worlds in current buffer (Telescope).
<space>rn Rename in current buffer (LSP).
<space>ca Code actions (LSP).
gd Go to definition (LSP).
gr Go to reference (LSP).
gi Go to implementation (LSP),
<space>bs Show buffer symbols (LSP),
<space>ps Show project symbols (LSP),
K Hover document (LSP).
<space>k Signature Documentation (LSP).
gD Go to declaration (LSP).
td Type definition (LSP).
<space>S Global find/replace.
<space>sw Global find/replace for the word under the cursor.
<space>h Screen horizontal split.
<space>v Screen vertical split.
<space>f Format document.
]d Go to next diagnostic.
d] Go to previous diagnostic.
<space>d Open the diagnostic under the cursor in flaot window.
zR Open all folds.
zM Close all folds.
<space>gs Open DiffView.
<space>no Turn off highlighted results.
te Create new tab.
tc Close current tab.
tn Go to next tab.
tp Go to previous tab.


├── README.md
├── init.lua
└── lua
    ├── core
    │   ├── editor_config.lua
    │   ├── init.lua
    │   ├── keymaps.lua
    │   ├── lazy.lua
    │   ├── options.lua
    │   ├── user_commands.lua
    │   └── utils.lua
    └── plugins
        ├── bufferline.lua
        ├── cmp.lua
        ├── color_scheme.lua
        ├── comment.lua
        ├── copilot.lua
        ├── diffview.lua
        ├── dressing.lua
        ├── gitsigns.lua
        ├── ident_blankline.lua
        ├── lsp.lua
        ├── lualine.lua
        ├── mini_indentscope.lua
        ├── navic.lua
        ├── neotree.lua
        ├── fidget.lua
        ├── oil.lua
        ├── spectre.lua
        ├── symbols_outline.lua
        ├── telescope.lua
        ├── tmux_navigator.lua
        ├── treesitter.lua
        ├── tsc.lua
        ├── ufo.lua
        ├── vim_illuminate.lua
        └── wilder.lua