Deployed on Heroku as octojobs-cf
Octojobs is an open source webscraper and job opportunity aggregator. It scrapes a jobboard website, such as Indeed or Dice.com, and returns a query of jobs based on user-provided keywords and locations.
Our scraper stores the results of a scrape in a postgreSQL database. The results are then loaded into the views, so that users can see job titles with live links to their original postings, the employer name, the location, and a brief description of the opportunity.
##Mission Statement Get more reach for your job search.
Our goal was to build a scraper that would target multiple sites and aggregate their data in one location that would be easy for a user to query.
###User As a user, we want an easy, one stop shop for our job search to find a job.
As a user, we want a clear way to sort through the data for the exact information we want.
As a user, we want a straightforward, beautiful user experience to make the retieval of information easy.
As a user, we want to search for specific skills and job titles.
###Developer As a developer, we want to build elegant, readable code with optimal time complexity.
As a developer, we want to gain experience managing large data sets and queries.
As a developer, we want to gather data on what jobs and skills are in the highest demand.
As a developer, we want to learn webscraping and data cleaning techniques.
This app was created in 4 days by the lovely and talented:
The development environment will include:
- Testing packages, including pytest, pytest-cov, Tox, and webtest to aid in test driven development.
- Scrapy
- The Python Requests library.
- Lots and lots of coffee.
If you would like to clone or contribute to, this repo, please follow these steps:
- Clone the repo into a directory on your terminal.
- Create a virtual environment
- Install the required packages:
pip install -e .
pip install -e .[testing]
We would like to thank the following libraries, frameworks, packages, resources, and people.
- Scrapy
- Pyramid
- postgreSQL
- Heroku
- Waffle
- Bootstrap
- Github user econchick and her NewCoder Blog
- Stack Overflow
- fake_Useragent
- Scrapehero.com
---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 2.7.11-final-0 ----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
octojobs/__init__.py 11 8 27% 8-15
octojobs/models/__init__.py 22 0 100%
octojobs/models/meta.py 5 0 100%
octojobs/models/mymodel.py 11 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/__init__.py 0 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/items.py 8 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/middlewares.py 18 10 44% 19-21, 28, 35-36, 44, 52-53, 56
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/pipelines.py 27 16 41% 17, 23, 38-40, 44-57
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/settings.py 18 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/spiders/__init__.py 0 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/spiders/practise_spider.py 12 6 50% 15-22, 28-30
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/spiders/spider.py 65 47 28% 82-178
octojobs/routes.py 5 0 100%
octojobs/scripts/__init__.py 0 0 100%
octojobs/scripts/initializedb.py 28 18 36% 22-25, 29-55
octojobs/views/__init__.py 0 0 100%
octojobs/views/default.py 61 0 100%
TOTAL 291 105 64%
=============================================================== 40 passed in 3.38 seconds =
octojobs/tests.py ........................................
---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.5.2-final-0 -----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
octojobs/__init__.py 11 8 27% 8-15
octojobs/models/__init__.py 22 0 100%
octojobs/models/meta.py 5 0 100%
octojobs/models/mymodel.py 11 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/__init__.py 0 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/items.py 8 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/middlewares.py 18 10 44% 19-21, 28, 35-36, 44, 52-53, 56
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/pipelines.py 27 16 41% 17, 23, 38-40, 44-57
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/settings.py 18 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/spiders/__init__.py 0 0 100%
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/spiders/practise_spider.py 12 6 50% 15-22, 28-30
octojobs/octojobs/octopus/octopus/spiders/spider.py 65 47 28% 82-178
octojobs/routes.py 5 0 100%
octojobs/scripts/__init__.py 0 0 100%
octojobs/scripts/initializedb.py 28 18 36% 22-25, 29-55
octojobs/views/__init__.py 0 0 100%
octojobs/views/default.py 61 0 100%
TOTAL 291 105 64%
================================================================= 40 passed in 4.94 seconds