
traveler-pal, a helper for travelers

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


traveler-pal, a helper for travelers

Quick Start

1.Download and install Python, Django(1.8.4), MySQL, Node,gulp

2.Install DjangoUeditor, duoshuo

pip install DjangoUeditor

install duoshuo

pip install install.py

3.Watch the static files

cd ./Traveler-Pal/Traveler-Pal/app/static && npm install
cd ./Traveler-Pal/Traveler-Pal/app/static && gulp

4.Run open the mysql and make a migrate

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
cd ./Traveler-Pal && python manage.py runserver

5.Open the


  • DjangoUeditor
  • amaps
  • duoshuo