
A Heterogeneous Benchmark for Information Retrieval. Easy to use, evaluate your models across 15+ diverse IR datasets.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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🍻 What is it?

BEIR is a heterogeneous benchmark containing diverse IR tasks. It also provides a common and easy framework for evaluation of your NLP-based retrieval models within the benchmark.

For more information, checkout our publications:

🍻 Table Of Contents

🍻 Installation

Install via pip:

pip install beir

If you want to build from source, use:

$ git clone https://github.com/benchmarkir/beir.git
$ pip install -e .

Tested with python versions 3.6 and 3.7

🍻 Features

  • Preprocess your own IR dataset or use one of the already-preprocessed 17 benchmark datasets
  • Wide settings included, covers diverse benchmarks useful for both academia and industry
  • Includes well-known retrieval architectures (lexical, dense, sparse and reranking-based)
  • Add and evaluate your own model in a easy framework using different state-of-the-art evaluation metrics

🍻 Leaderboard

Find below Google Sheets for BEIR Leaderboard. Unfortunately with Markdown the tables were not easy to read.

Leaderboard Link
Dense Retrieval Google Sheet
BM25 top-100 + CE Reranking Google Sheet

🍻 Examples and Tutorials

To easily understand and get your hands dirty with BEIR, we invite you to try our tutorials out 🚀 🚀

Name Link
How to evaluate pre-trained models on BEIR datasets Open In Colab
Retrieval using (lexical) BM25 with Elasticsearch evaluate_bm25.py
Exact-search retrieval using (dense) Sentence-BERT evaluate_sbert.py
Exact-search retrieval using (dense) ANCE evaluate_ance.py
Exact-search retrieval using (dense) DPR evaluate_dpr.py
Exact-search retrieval using (dense) USE-QA evaluate_useqa.py
Hybrid sparse retrieval using SPARTA evaluate_sparta.py
Reranking top-100 BM25 results with SBERT CE evaluate_bm25_ce_reranking.py
Reranking top-100 BM25 results with Dense Retriever evaluate_bm25_sbert_reranking.py
Fine-tuning SBERT over a dataset from scratch train_sbert.py
Synthetic Query Generation using T5-model query_gen.py
(GenQ) Synthetic QG using T5-model + fine-tuning SBERT query_gen_and_train.py
Benchmark BM25 (Inference speed) benchmark_bm25.py
Benchmark Cross-Encoder Reranking (Inference speed) benchmark_bm25_ce_reranking.py
Benchmark Dense Retriever (Inference speed) benchmark_sbert.py

🍻 Quick Example

from beir import util, LoggingHandler
from beir.retrieval import models
from beir.datasets.data_loader import GenericDataLoader
from beir.retrieval.evaluation import EvaluateRetrieval
from beir.retrieval.search.dense import DenseRetrievalExactSearch as DRES

import logging
import pathlib, os

#### Just some code to print debug information to stdout
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
#### /print debug information to stdout

#### Download scifact.zip dataset and unzip the dataset
dataset = "scifact"
url = "https://public.ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/thakur/BEIR/datasets/{}.zip".format(dataset)
out_dir = os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute(), "datasets")
data_path = util.download_and_unzip(url, out_dir)

#### Provide the data_path where scifact has been downloaded and unzipped
corpus, queries, qrels = GenericDataLoader(data_folder=data_path).load(split="test")

#### Load the SBERT model and retrieve using cosine-similarity
model = DRES(models.SentenceBERT("msmarco-distilbert-base-v3"), batch_size=16)
retriever = EvaluateRetrieval(model, score_function="cos_sim") # or "dot" for dot-product
results = retriever.retrieve(corpus, queries)

#### Evaluate your model with NDCG@k, MAP@K, Recall@K and Precision@K  where k = [1,3,5,10,100,1000] 
ndcg, _map, recall, precision = retriever.evaluate(qrels, results, retriever.k_values)

🍻 Download a preprocessed dataset

To load one of the already preprocessed datasets in your current directory as follows:

from beir import util
from beir.datasets.data_loader import GenericDataLoader

dataset = "scifact"
url = "https://public.ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/thakur/BEIR/datasets/{}.zip".format(dataset)
data_path = util.download_and_unzip(url, "datasets")
corpus, queries, qrels = GenericDataLoader(data_folder=data_path).load(split="test")

This will download the scifact dataset under the datasets directory.

For other datasets, just use one of the datasets names, mention below.

🍻 Available Datasets

Dataset Website BEIR-Name Queries Documents Avg. Docs/Q Download
MSMARCO Homepage msmarco 6,980 8.84M 1.1 Link
TREC-COVID Homepage trec-covid 50 171K 493.5 Link
NFCorpus Homepage nfcorpus 323 3.6K 38.2 Link
BioASQ Homepage bioasq 500 14.91M 8.05 No
NQ Homepage nq 3,452 2.68M 1.2 Link
HotpotQA Homepage hotpotqa 7,405 5.23M 2.0 Link
FiQA-2018 Homepage fiqa 648 57K 2.6 Link
Signal-1M(RT) Homepage signal1m 97 2.86M 19.6 No
TREC-NEWS Homepage trec-news 57 595K 19.6 No
ArguAna Homepage arguana 1,406 8.67K 1.0 Link
Touche-2020 Homepage webis-touche2020 49 382K 49.2 Link
CQADupstack Homepage cqadupstack 13,145 457K 1.4 Link
Quora Homepage quora 10,000 523K 1.6 Link
DBPedia Homepage dbpedia-entity 400 4.63M 38.2 Link
SCIDOCS Homepage scidocs 1,000 25K 4.9 Link
FEVER Homepage fever 6,666 5.42M 1.2 Link
Climate-FEVER Homepage climate-fever 1,535 5.42M 3.0 Link
SciFact Homepage scifact 300 5K 1.1 Link

Otherwise, you can load a custom preprocessed dataset in the following way:

from beir.datasets.data_loader import GenericDataLoader

corpus_path = "your_corpus_file.jsonl"
query_path = "your_query_file.jsonl"
qrels_path = "your_qrels_file.tsv"

corpus, queries, qrels = GenericDataLoader(

Make sure that the dataset is in the following format:

  • corpus file: a .jsonl file (jsonlines) that contains a list of dictionaries, each with three fields _id with unique document identifier, title with document title (optional) and text with document paragraph or passage. For example: {"_id": "doc1", "title": "Albert Einstein", "text": "Albert Einstein was a German-born...."}
  • queries file: a .jsonl file (jsonlines) that contains a list of dictionaries, each with two fields _id with unique query identifier and text with query text. For example: {"_id": "q1", "text": "Who developed the mass-energy equivalence formula?"}
  • qrels file: a .tsv file (tab-seperated) that contains three columns, i.e. the query-id, corpus-id and score in this order. Keep 1st row as header. For example: q1 doc1 1

You can also skip the dataset loading part and provide directly corpus, queries and qrels in the following way:

corpus = {
    "doc1" : {
        "title": "Albert Einstein", 
        "text": "Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. who developed the theory of relativity, \
                 one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). His work is also known for \
                 its influence on the philosophy of science. He is best known to the general public for his mass–energy \
                 equivalence formula E = mc2, which has been dubbed 'the world's most famous equation'. He received the 1921 \
                 Nobel Prize in Physics 'for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law \
                 of the photoelectric effect', a pivotal step in the development of quantum theory."
    "doc2" : {
        "title": "", # Keep title an empty string if not present
        "text": "Wheat beer is a top-fermented beer which is brewed with a large proportion of wheat relative to the amount of \
                 malted barley. The two main varieties are German Weißbier and Belgian witbier; other types include Lambic (made\
                 with wild yeast), Berliner Weisse (a cloudy, sour beer), and Gose (a sour, salty beer)."

queries = {
    "q1" : "Who developed the mass-energy equivalence formula?",
    "q2" : "Which beer is brewed with a large proportion of wheat?"

qrels = {
    "q1" : {"doc1": 1},
    "q2" : {"doc2": 1},


Similar to Tensorflow datasets or HuggingFace's datasets library, we just downloaded and prepared public datasets. We only distribute these datasets in a specific format, but we do not vouch for their quality or fairness, or claim that you have license to use the dataset. It remains the user's responsibility to determine whether you as a user have permission to use the dataset under the dataset's license and to cite the right owner of the dataset.

If you're a dataset owner and wish to update any part of it, or do not want your dataset to be included in this library, feel free to post an issue here or make a pull request!

If you're a dataset owner and wish to include your dataset or model in this library, feel free to post an issue here or make a pull request!

🍻 Evaluate a model

We include different retrieval architectures and evaluate them all in a zero-shot setup.

Lexical Retrieval Evaluation using BM25 (Elasticsearch)

from beir.retrieval.search.lexical import BM25Search as BM25

hostname = "your-hostname" #localhost
index_name = "your-index-name" # scifact
initialize = True # True, will delete existing index with same name and reindex all documents
model = BM25(index_name=index_name, hostname=hostname, initialize=initialize)

Sparse retreival using SPARTA

from beir.retrieval.search.sparse import SparseSearch
from beir.retrieval import models

model_path = "BeIR/sparta-msmarco-distilbert-base-v1"
sparse_model = SparseSearch(models.SPARTA(model_path), batch_size=128)

Dense retreival using SBERT, ANCE, USE-QA or DPR

from beir.retrieval import models
from beir.retrieval.evaluation import EvaluateRetrieval
from beir.retrieval.search.dense import DenseRetrievalExactSearch as DRES

model = DRES(models.SentenceBERT("msmarco-distilbert-base-v3"), batch_size=16)
retriever = EvaluateRetrieval(model, score_function="cos_sim") # or "dot" for dot-product

Reranking using Cross-Encoder model

from beir.reranking.models import CrossEncoder
from beir.reranking import Rerank

cross_encoder_model = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/ms-marco-electra-base')
reranker = Rerank(cross_encoder_model, batch_size=128)

# Rerank top-100 results retrieved by BM25
rerank_results = reranker.rerank(corpus, queries, bm25_results, top_k=100)

🍻 Available Models

Name Implementation
BM25 (Robertson and Zaragoza, 2009) https://www.elastic.co/
SBERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) https://www.sbert.net/
ANCE (Xiong et al., 2020) https://github.com/microsoft/ANCE
DPR (Karpukhin et al., 2020) https://github.com/facebookresearch/DPR
USE-QA (Yang et al., 2020) https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder-qa/3
SPARTA (Zhao et al., 2020) https://huggingface.co/BeIR
ColBERT (Khattab and Zaharia, 2020) https://github.com/stanford-futuredata/ColBERT


If you use any one of the implementations, please make sure to include the correct citation.

If you implemented a model and wish to update any part of it, or do not want the model to be included, feel free to post an issue here or make a pull request!

If you implemented a model and wish to include your model in this library, feel free to post an issue here or make a pull request. Otherwise, if you want to evaluate the model on your own, see the following section.

🍻 Evaluate your own Model

Dense-Retriever Model (Dual-Encoder)

Mention your dual-encoder model in a class and have two functions: 1. encode_queries and 2. encode_corpus.

from beir.retrieval.search.dense import DenseRetrievalExactSearch as DRES

class YourCustomDEModel:
    def __init__(self, model_path=None, **kwargs)
        self.model = None # ---> HERE Load your custom model
    # Write your own encoding query function (Returns: Query embeddings as numpy array)
    def encode_queries(self, queries: List[str], batch_size: int, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
    # Write your own encoding corpus function (Returns: Document embeddings as numpy array)  
    def encode_corpus(self, corpus: List[Dict[str, str]], batch_size: int, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:

custom_model = DRES(YourCustomDEModel(model_path="your-custom-model-path"))

Re-ranking-based Model (Cross-Encoder)

Mention your cross-encoder model in a class and have a single function: predict

from beir.reranking import Rerank

class YourCustomCEModel:
    def __init__(self, model_path=None, **kwargs)
        self.model = None # ---> HERE Load your custom model
    # Write your own score function, which takes in query-document text pairs and returns the similarity scores
    def predict(self, sentences: List[Tuple[str,str]], batch_size: int, **kwags) -> List[float]:
        pass # return only the list of float scores

reranker = Rerank(YourCustomCEModel(model_path="your-custom-model-path"), batch_size=128)

🍻 Available Metrics

We evaluate our models using pytrec_eval and in future we can extend to include more retrieval-based metrics:

  • NDCG (NDCG@k)
  • MAP (MAP@k)
  • Recall (Recall@k)
  • Precision (P@k)

We also include custom-metrics now which can be used for evaluation, please refer here - evaluate_custom_metrics.py

  • MRR (MRR@k)
  • Capped Recall (R_cap@k)
  • Hole (Hole@k)

🍻 Citing & Authors

If you find this repository helpful, feel free to cite our publication BEIR: A Heterogenous Benchmark for Zero-shot Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models:

    title = "BEIR: A Heterogenous Benchmark for Zero-shot Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models",
    author = "Thakur, Nandan and Reimers, Nils and Rücklé, Andreas and Srivastava, Abhishek and Gurevych, Iryna", 
    journal= "arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08663",
    month = "4",
    year = "2021",
    url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.08663",

The main contributors of this repository are:

Contact person: Nandan Thakur, nandant@gmail.com


Don't hesitate to send us an e-mail or report an issue, if something is broken (and it shouldn't be) or if you have further questions.

This repository contains experimental software and is published for the sole purpose of giving additional background details on the respective publication.