
Scripts made by D.ツ. Too small to have their own repositories.

D.ツ's Scripts

Those are my scripts that I wish to share but they are to small to have their own repository.

Starfall Scripts

Name Short description
dGUI Object-Oriented GUI library made entirely in starfall with no need of additional plugins. It's made to be flexible and easy to use, has a lot similarities to derma(hovewer the goal isn't to replicate derma/gwen).
FontAwesome Simple helper for using Font Awesome to display glyphs.

Some important things:

  • You are free to use my scripts as long as you mention me in the code.
  • I may help you with usage of my scripts, hovewer I'm not going to help you with everything or explain you basic stuff, there are lua tutorials for this.
  • Please note that this repository is used more as an container for my scripts rather than actual repository with author's support and informative commits ;).