
Yeoman Generator for WebApps using a FlightPHP backend and AngularJS frontend.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

generator-flightangular Build Status

A generator for Yeoman.

Yeoman FlightPHP and AngularJS Generators

This Yeoman generator builds simple AngularJS webapps with a FlightPHP REST API at the server side. (Using MongoDB as storage)

To install generator-flightangular from npm, run:

$ sudo npm install -g generator-flightangular 

Then, initiate the generator from your desired deployment location.

$ yo flightangular

Anything in the "public" directory is exposed to the webserver.

The "server" directory contains PHP, "server/lib" is the default include path supplied to the autoloader.

The directories "js-src" and "less-src" are the default source locations looked at by Grunt for JavaScript and LESS files.

CRUD SubGenerator

To create a new set of CRUD routes, Controllers and Storage.

$ yo flightangular:crud 

You'll be asked for a "singleName" and "pluralName" - The singleName is most often used, and refers to individual versions of the models and most class names, pluralName is used for lists/arrays of items.

Angular Routes created will be:

/pluralName/ - List all models in the db.

/singleName/create - Create a new item.

/singleName/:id - Display an item.

/singleName/:id/edit - Edit an existing item.

REST routes will be added for FlightPHP in "public/index.php"

PHP Controller and Storage model will be created in "server/lib/SingleName"

We don't do any validation on data going in or out of Mongo so to add more fields to your model, just add the inputs to the create and/or edit forms in /public/partials/singleName/create.html and /public/partials/singleName/edit.html and then they'll be available by magic.


To run PHPUnit tests, ensure you have run composer to deploy PHP components and have "./composer/bin" in your path so the executable can be found, or that PHPUnit is globally available from somewhere else.

Created By

Paul Freeman (@OddEssay). Made in Liverpool.


MIT License