
A react-seed project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Seed

Run Status

Build Packages


Builds the project from source with a series of loaders and places into "bundles"


Takes JSX and ES6 code and adds the appropriate polyfills to deliver backwards compatible JavaScript.


The project uses jest for testing, and makes use of the "Snapshot" method outlined at https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/tutorial-react.html#snapshot-testing

Tests for Redux actionCreators are along side the reducers and tested together under src/reducers/__tests__/

Not tested elements

Sagas: Because the API based nature of the functions would rely on heavy mocking, without extensive work you'd just be testing the mocks, not the API.

Project Structure

folder contents
./src JavaScript Source Files
./src/components React Components
./src/**/__tests__ Jest tests relative to their components
./src/reducers The Redux Reducers
./src/actions The Redux Actions
./src/sagas The Redux Sagas (For Async functions)

NPM Commands

npm run ...
start Run webpack-dev-server on http://localhost:8080
start --devServerPort=4444 Run dev server on custom port, eg 4444
test Run jest tests
test -- --watch Run jest in watch mode
lint Run local eslint against the code in src
lint-fix Run local eslint with --fix to resolve any issues it can

Other Notes

Inline spin.js

In src/index.html the minified version of spin.js is placed inline, and attached to the #app div. This gives a loading state to the user, and when React attaches to the div is simply removed.


There is no styling added to any of the layouts by design, so that it's easiser to add your UI Library of choice. For a selection of libraries I've been looking at, see https://trello.com/b/o04kQcxE/?menu=filter&filter=label:🛠%20Tool,label:Web%20Design

Repo Notes


This repo uses Green Keeper from https://greenkeeper.io to monitor the npm packages and automatically issue Pull Requests when there are updates available.

Shippable CI

This repo is configured to be tested on Shippable CI from https://shippable.com to automatically test each commit.

Where are the semi-colons, you monster?!

ES6 alows for a lot of noise free code, and for me semi-colons just feel out of place. If you don't agree, or Crockford's brainwashed you too deeply, then just update .eslintrc.js to change the "semi" rule from never to always and run npm run lint-fix to have eslint add them back automagically.

That applies to all the eslint rules, I try to be very strict in the rules I apply so you should add your own. If you add your own eslintrc file, don't forget to include the existing "env", "parserOptions" and "plugins" so the React and ES6 syntax works as expected.