
An "improved" version of Oddsie.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Oddsie++ is an "improved" version of Oddsie. It has a better syntax, and a better writing expirience. This time it interprets and transpiles your code, rather than doing one or the other.


use random
class main (
	function __init__::self (
		display "NUMBER GUESS"
		var act=random.randint()
		var gue=input(": ")
		if gue==act (
			display "Good Guess!"
		otherwise (
			display "Incorrect! Number was "+str(act)+"!"

^ Simple number-guessing game ^

;; Really Complicated Hello World
class main (
	function __init__::self (
		var self.txt=""
	function uno::self (
		var self.txt=self.txt+"Hello,"
	function dos::self (
		var self.txt=self.txt+" world!"
	function tres::self (
		display self.txt

^ An overly complicated Hello, World! program ^

What do I need to code in Oddsie++?

The same things you need for Oddsie.