
FCC Back End Development and APIs Project - URL Shortener Microservice

Primary LanguageJavaScript

URL Shortener Microservice

Build a full stack JavaScript app that is functionally similar to this: https://url-shortener-microservice.freecodecamp.rocks/. Working on this project will involve you writing your code using one of the following methods:

Clone this GitHub repo and complete your project locally. Use our Replit starter project to complete your project. Use a site builder of your choice to complete the project. Be sure to incorporate all the files from our GitHub repo. When you are done, make sure a working demo of your project is hosted somewhere public. Then submit the URL to it in the Solution Link field. Optionally, also submit a link to your project's source code in the GitHub Link field.


HINT: Do not forget to use a body parsing middleware to handle the POST requests. Also, you can use the function dns.lookup(host, cb) from the dns core module to verify a submitted URL.