
mafia.gg bot

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


mafia.gg bot


but why

why would you want a dis- BEEP

how 2 hackfate

you will need:

  • a mafia.gg account
  • a mongodb account

in the mongodb acc make a new cluster
click on connect
click on use for application
in dropdowns select python 3.8.6
copy the url
in the new cluster make a collection called "mafiagg"
clone this repo
execute pip3 install mafapi
edit config.py
put your username
put your password
in MONGODB, put the url you copied earlier
execute main.py
you're done

reverse engineering


scroll to the bottom.

api documentation

url post data get data usage
https://mafia.gg/api/user-session {login: str, password: str} {id: USERID, username: USERNAME, email: EMAIL, hostBannedUsernames: [???], isPatreonLinked: true/false, activePatreon: true/false, needsVerification: true/false, createdAt: 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:pppZ'} used to login to an account, use the cookies
https://mafia.gg/api/rooms [{id: ROOMID, name: ROOMNAME, hasStarted: true/false, playerCount: int, setupSize: 12, hostUser: {id: USERID, username: USERNAME, activepatreon: true/false, createdAt: 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:pppZ'}, createdAt: 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:pppZ'}] get list of all rooms
https://mafia.gg/api/rooms/ROOMID {engineUrl: URL, auth: AUTH} get data about specific room, URL is the engine url, AUTH is the authentication token
https://mafia.gg/api/rooms/ROOMID/kick {userId: USERID} kick specific user from room
https://mafia.gg/api/users/USERID {id: USERID, username: USERNAME, activepatreon: true/false, createdAt: 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:pppZ', ?type: 'admin'} get data about specific user, specifically id, username, activePatreon, createdAt
https://mafia.gg/api/decks?filter&page=PAGENUM {pagination: {page: PAGENUM, numPages: 12, total: 290}, decks: [{name: DECKNAME, version: VERSION, key: DECKID, builtin: true/false, deckSize: int, uploadTimestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, sampleCharacters: [{playerId: int, name: str, avatarUrl: str, backgroundColor: '#rrggbb'}]}]} get data about all decks on specific page
https://mafia.gg/api/decks/DECKID {name: DECKNAME, version: VERSION, key: DECKID, builtin: true/false, deckSize: int, uploadTimestamp: MILLIUNIXTIMESTAMP, characters: [{playerId: PLAYERID, name: str, avatarUrl: str, backgroundColor: '#rrggbb'}]} get data about a specific deck

black sheep api calls

url request type data usage
https://mafia.gg/api/user PATCH {email: EMAILADDR, timeFormat: 'time'/???, hostBannedUsernames: [USERNAME], password: str, passwordConfirmation: str, patreonCode: null/???, } the settings changed by this page

websocket packets documentation

???s are the parts i haven't figured out yet.

type data (from server) data (to server) usage
clientHandshake {events: [PACKET], possibleUserIds: [???], sid: ?, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, users: [{userId: USERID, isHost: ISHOST, isPlayer: ISPLAYER}]} {userId: USERID, roomId: ROOMID, auth: AUTHTOKEN} FIRST PACKET TO SEND, starts communication between client and server
ping client -> server
pong {timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, sid: SID} server -> client
chat {message: MESSAGE, from: {model: 'user'/'player', userid: USERID/0, playerid: PLAYERID}, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, sid: SID} {message: MESSAGE} send message through the chatroom
newGame {roomId: ROOMID} SAME AS FROM SERVER create a new room
options {dayLength: 1-9, dayStart: 'off'/'dawnStart'/'dayStart', deadlockPreventionLimit: '-1'/???, deck: '-1'/DECKID, disableVoteLock: true/false, hideSetup: true/false, hostRoleSelection: true/false, majorityRule: '-1'/'51'/???, mustVote: true/false, nightLength: 1-9, noNightTalk: true/false, revealSetting: 'allReveal'/???, roles: ROLES, roomName: ROOMNAME, scaleTimer: true/false, twoKp: '0'/???, unlisted: true/false SAME AS FROM SERVER set the options of the room
startGame starts the game
decision {details: {text: 'votes'/???, playerId: PLAYERID, targetPlayerId: PLAYERID, }, groupId: ???, id: ???, qid: ???, sid: SID, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP} voting AFAIK, prob more
decisionGroup {id: ???, kind: 'vote'/???, label: 'Condemn'/???, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP} the packet to make the tiny box appear on the screen
alert {timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP}
system {timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, message: MESSAGE} a message from the mafia game system to the client
time {phase: 'day'/'night', ordinal: number, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP when a phase begins: DAY 2, NIGHT 1, etc...
timer {end: UNIXTIMESTAMP, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, topic: TOPIC} the topic is stuff like "Free period", "End-of-night buffer" and such
quote {qid: ???, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, from: {model: 'user'/'player', userId: USERID/0, playerId: PLAYERID}} quotes in the chat
death {playerId: PLAYERID, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP} death
userJoin {userId: USERID, isHost: bool, isPlayer: bool, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, sid: SID} a user joining
userQuit {userId: USERID, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, sid: SID} a user exiting
transferHost {userid: USERID} transfer host to specific player
endGame {roles: {PLAYERID (int): ROLEID (int)}, sid: SID, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP, users: {USERID (int): PLAYERID (str)}} marks the end of a game, shows who was who bc of decks, and shows everyone's roles
optionsSetup {roles: ROLES, sid: SID, timestamp: UNIXTIMESTAMP} purpose unknown to me

explanation of some types

type format usage
USERID str use with the users api to find name
PLAYERID str use the decks api, and find the card with the playerid
ROOMID str use with the rooms api
UNIXTIMESTAMP int the unix time stamp, in seconds
MILLIUNIXTIMESTAMP int the unix time stamp, in milliseconds
MESSAGE str a message
ROOMNAME str the name of a room
TOPIC str the topic of a room
PACKET object see above table
ROLEID str the id of a role, found in a setup code
ROLEAMO str amount of times a role appears, capped to 99 by the mafia.gg GUI, if it goes over, shows as the last number below 99
SID int this number MUST increase every time it is sent.

room options quirks

key api values gui values
dayStart off, dayStart, dawnStart off, uninformed, informed
deck -1 no deck
majorityRule -1, 51 no majority, simple majority

reverse engineering


copy and paste this script into chrome devtools, then do stuff while satching the console.



open up chrome devtools using F12, use Ctrl+F5 to refresh the page and cache, go into the devtools and click on network, you should see something like this: image right now, the only requests that you should be looking at are all the requests labeled "xhr", one of them is the "rooms" request, click on it and you'll see image you can ignore the general and response headers sections, look at the request headers (in this case you can ignore it, but thats the exception to the rule,) another thing you should look at is the response, click preview image as you can see, those are all the rooms you can see on the page, in json format! this is how i figured out all the ordinary api requests.

websocket packets

same as with api, but you must enter a game first, and you'll see this: image the "engine" request is the only important thing here, this applies to all websocket packets here. click on it.

you can ignore the headers for all websocket packets, just click on messages and you'll see this: image each of these rows is a different packet: red arrows pointing down are the packets from the server, to the client; green arrows pointing up are the packets from the client, to the server.