
Bootstrap-style dropdowns with some added features and no dependencies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery Bootstrap-style Dropdowns

Copyright A Beautiful Site, LLC.

Licensed under the MIT license: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

Demo & Documentation



Add the <script> and <link> reference for the jQuery dropdown JavaScript and CSS to your HTML:

	<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="content/jquery.dropdown.css" />

	<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.dropdown.js"></script>

Then add to your HTML two elements:

  • The element under which the dropdown should show with a data-jq-dropdown attribute that points to the anchor/id.
  • The content of the dropdown in a div with a unique ide that is pointed to.

The dropdown div can be put anywhere on the page, for instance at the bottom just above the closing </body> tag (since it can be loaded last on the page, as it won't be shown to the user initially).

<a href="#" data-jq-dropdown="#dropdown-1">dropdown</a>


<div id="dropdown-1" class="jq-dropdown jq-dropdown-tip jq-dropdown-anchor-right">
	<div class="jq-dropdown-panel">
		Here is some <code>HTML</code> inside of a dropdown. You can put pretty much <b>anything</b> inside of a dropdown, so have fun with it!

jQuery Bootstrap-style Dropdowns

Forked on 2014-12-1 from @claviska original repo and changed name of css classes to prevent style clashes with Bootstrap 3 dropdown class. Note that this forked repo might not be as actively developed, so refer to the original in that case.