
Laravel Elixir for Compass

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a simple compass wrapper for Laravel Elixir that was ported from: laravel-elixir-stylus Add it to your Elixir-enhanced Gulpfile, like so:

var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');


elixir(function(mix) {

This will scan your resources/assets/scss directory for all files. Instead, if you only want to compile a single file, you may do:


Finally, if you'd like to output to a different directory than the default public/css, then you may override this as well.

mix.compass("bootstrap.scss", "foo/bar/baz");


Compass has a lot of different options and ways you can tweak your output:

mix.compass("bootstrap.scss", "foo/bar/baz", {
    modules: ['susy'],
    config_file: "path/to/config.rb",
    style: "nested"
    sass: "resources/assets/sass",
    font: "public/fonts",
    image: "public/images",
    javascript: "public/js",
    sourcemap: true
  • modules - if you have any modules you'd like to include, like Susy or whatever, you can add them here.
  • config_file - if you like to keep your compass configurations out of gulp, you can set the path to the config file and you can use that. Important note: if you change the Sass and CSS directories in your config.rb file you need to update them in here too
  • style - 3 options here: "nested", "compressed" and "expanded". By default in production you css will be compressed and locally it will be expanded.
  • sass - path to Sass files
  • font - path to fonts directory
  • image - path to image directory
  • javascript - path to your JavaScript
  • sourcemap - requires sass 3.3.0+ if true will generate a source map