
Show side-loaded docstrings in CIDER!

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Replace clojure API documentation displayed by CIDER.

sidedocs catches CIDER's request for documentation. It then inject alternative documentation if available.


1. Add sidedocs-nrepl to your CIDER repl

With Leinigen

  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
                 [cider/cider-nrepl "0.15.1"]
                 [odie/sidedocs-nrepl "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" ]


  :repl-options {:nrepl-middleware

With Boot

(swap! boot.repl/*default-dependencies*
       concat '[[sidedocs-nrepl "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]])

(swap! boot.repl/*default-middleware*
       concat '[sidedocs-nrepl.middleware/wrap-sidedocs])

2. Add alternative documentation!

With step 1 completed, sidedocs should be catching all cider-doc requests. That's great, but sidedocs won't actually inject anything until it has some alternative documentation to show.

Let's fix that!

mkdir ~/.sidedocs
git clone https://github.com/Odie/sidedocs-clj-api-docs ~/.sidedocs/1-clj-api-docs

This gets you some alternate docs written by some random person on the internet! If you dig into the directory a bit, you'll see the documentation is organized like this:

- ~/.sidedocs
|--- a doc repo
|    |-- a clojure namespace
|        |-- a var name.md
|--- another doc repo

Now when a cider-doc request comes through, sidedocs will look into each of the repos (in string sort order) and return the first alternate documentation it finds for a Var.

This gets us a few things:

  1. Easy to add alternate documentation locally

    Just add a markdown file at the right location on disk and the docstring displayed by CIDER will be overridden.

  2. Easy to share & update documentation

    Anybody can work on some documentation and put it in their own git repo. Sharing and updating can be done simply with git clone and git pull. This can also be automated.


Copyright © 2017 Jonathan Shieh

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0