
a simple tool to translate caffe model to keras model

Primary LanguagePython

simple tool to translate caffe model to keras

It is inspired by:


please browse the examples directory


  • Python:

    • keras
    • google.protobuf
  • caffe:

    • caffe's python lib (caffe/python)

Some Problems:

  • 1.Some function in load_caffe_params and save_weights which I think is Inefficient.

  • 2.The Proto2Keras is combine keras's caffe branch and chainer's caffe function, which some of them unfamiliar for me. So I just keep it.

  • 3.The last and most import is I test this in a very very few example, and certainly there are a lot of bugs. So feel free to contact me(heyflypigATgmail.com), I am a newbie to DeepLearning.