
A better way to manage timers on react native (taking into account difference between device an debugger time on remote js debug mode)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native Timer Native

Fork of the package react-native-timer adds support of native android time difference between the device and the remote debugger when in JS Remote Debug mode



npm install --save react-native-timer-native


  • Add the following line to the bottom of your project's settings.gradle file.

    project(':react-native-timer-native').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-timer-native/android')

  • add an include line in your project's settings.gradle to include the :react-native-timer-native project.

    include ':react-native-timer-native'

  • Open your app's build.gradle file and add the following line to the dependencies block.

    compile project(":react-native-timer-native")

  • In your app's MainActivity.java file, add new TimerReactPackage() to the return statement of the getPackages() function.

    new MainReactPackage(),
    new TimerReactPackage()
  • Then in the same file add the import statement : import com.odinvt.reactnativetimernative.TimerReactPackage;

A better way to manage timers in react-native with ES6 components, using WeakMap.

  1. Often you need to do things like show a message for a few seconds, and then hide it, or run an operation again and again at a specific interval. These things will usually happen inside a React Component, and will start after a component has mounted. So, you really cannot just do a setTimeout(fn, 2000) for non trivial things. You need to do a this.timer = setTimeout(fn, 2000), and then clearTimeout(this.timer) in componentWillUnmount.

  2. When a component unmounts, these timers have to be cleared and, so that you are not left with zombie timers doing things when you did not expect them to be there.

  3. React, right now, offers a solution using the react-native-timer-mixin for this. However, mixins are not part of ES6-7 standard, and probably will never be as they get in the way of good software design. And this brings us to the package in question, react-native-timer-native.

  4. With react-native-timer-native, you can set different timers, like timeout, interval etc in the context of a react component, and unmount all of them when the component unmounts, at context level.

Generic API:

(Automatically makes up for the difference of time when in remote js debug mode)

const timer = require('react-native-timer-native');

// timers maintained in the Map timer.timeouts
timer.setTimeout(name, fn, interval);

// timers maintained in the Map timer.intervals
timer.setInterval(name, fn, interval);

// timers maintained in the Map timer.immediates
timer.setImmediate(name, fn);

// timers maintained in the Map timer.animationFrames
timer.requestAnimationFrame(name, fn);

Mostly, using timers is a pain inside react-native components, so we present to you Contextual Timers. API:

timer.setTimeout(context, name, fn, interval);
timer.clearTimeout(context, name);
timer.clearTimeout(context) // clears all timeouts for a context
timer.timeoutExists(context, name);

timer.setInterval(context, name, fn, interval);
timer.clearInterval(context, name);
timer.clearInterval(context); // clears all intervals for a context
timer.intervalExists(context, name);

timer.setImmediate(context, name, fn);
timer.clearImmediate(context, name);
timer.clearImmediate(context); // clears all immediates for a context
timer.immediateExists(context, name);

timer.requestAnimationFrame(context, name, fn);
timer.cancelAnimationFrame(context, name);
timer.cancelAnimationFrame(context); // cancels all animation frames for a context
timer.animationFrameExists(context, name);

Example Below:

const timer = require('react-native-timer-native');

class Foo extends React.Component {
  state = {
    showMsg: false

  componentWillUnmount() {

  showMsg() {
    this.setState({showMsg: true}, () => timer.setTimeout(
      this, 'hideMsg', () => this.setState({showMsg: false}), 2000

  render() {
    return {
      <View style={{flex: 1}}>
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => requestAnimationFrame(() => this.showMsg())}>
          <Text>Press Me</Text>

        {this.state.showMsg ? (
        ) : (

PS: Kinda not a best practice, but const t = require('react-native-timer-native') can cut down some typing. Also, this lib can be used in browsers too, but will focus on them when I am working with them.