
dot files to vim

Primary LanguageVim script


You need to have installed this dependencies before continue:


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/odoia/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles

Run the install script:



Pull the new version of the files:

cd ~/.dotfiles
git pull origin master

Run the update script:


After install

Read about COC in:

Install COC components

:CocInstall coc-json coc-solargraph coc-tsserver coc-vimlsp

Run COC configuration


Add in coc-settings.json

  "solargraph.diagnostics": true,
  "solargraph.autoformat": true,
  "solargraph.formatting": true,



mapleader => ,

,ev => open init config in nvim path
,sv => Webdevicons refresh

j => down
k => up
l => left
h => right

,vs => vertical split
,hs => horizontal split

,tn => new tab
,tl => next tab
,th => previous tab
,tq => close tab

,fC => find in app/controllers
,fM => find in app/models
,fR => find in app/repositories
,fS => find in app/services
,fT => find in spec

control f => :Ag
control p => :Files
control b => :Buffers

,ne => open nerdtree
,nf => open nerdtree find

control k => call CocAction

gd  => coc-definition
gD! => coc-type-definition
gD@ => coc-implementation
gD# => coc-references

,cm => call LanguageClient_contextMenu
