
This repository contains my solutions to various coding problems from LeetCode, a popular online platform for practicing data structures and algorithms.

Primary LanguageJava

Daily LeetCode Solutions

This repository contains my solutions to LeetCode problems that I attempt on a daily basis. LeetCode is a popular online platform for practicing coding skills and preparing for technical interviews.

Table of Contents


As a programmer, solving coding problems is an excellent way to improve problem-solving skills, learn new algorithms and data structures, and prepare for technical interviews. By committing to solving LeetCode problems daily, I aim to continuously enhance my coding abilities and stay sharp.


Each problem is organized in a separate folder, named according to the LeetCode problem number and title. Within each folder, you'll find:

  • README.md: A file containing the problem statement and any additional information or constraints.
  • [problem_name].[extension]: The source code file containing my solution to the problem.


The solutions in this repository are primarily written in Java, but I may occasionally use other programming languages as well as Kotlin, Python or even SQL. The specific language used for each problem will be evident from the file extension.


Commit messages in this repository will adhere to the following structure:

  • The main commit message will be the name of the LeetCode problem being solved.
  • Additional details will be provided in the commit body, including:
    • Execution time of the solution, along with a percentile ranking indicating the performance compared to other submissions. Time: [execution_time] ([percentile_ranking])
    • Memory consumption of the solution, along with a percentile ranking indicating the memory efficiency compared to other submissions. Memory: [memory_usage] ([percentile_ranking])

This consistent commit message format will ensure clear and concise communication of the problem being solved, as well as the performance characteristics of the implemented solution in terms of time complexity and space complexity relative to other submissions on the LeetCode platform.