
A live geolocation app where users can 'pin' different locations on the map and share their own content with other users in realtime--to share pictures, reviews of the location and area, interact with other users by adding comments to their pins, and manage the pins they've created.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A live geolocation app where users can 'pin' different locations on the map and share their own content with other users in realtime--to share pictures, reviews of the location and area, interact with other users by adding comments to their pins, and manage the pins they've created.

A realtime, full-stack React app with a GraphQL Server (Apollo Server 2) on the backend, a cloud MongoDB database with React Hooks to manage our state (replacing Redux!), with Social Authentication (Google OAuth2), realtime data with GraphQL Subscriptions, image uploads with Cloudinary and much more.

GeoPins is a live geolocation app where users can 'pin' different locations on the map and share their own content with other users in realtime--to share pictures, reviews of the location and area, interact with other users by adding comments to their pins, and manage the pins they've created.

##TECHNOLOGIES USED Built on top of a robust GraphQL Server with Authentication (with Apollo Server 2)

Use GraphQL client libraries: Apollo Client and GraphQL Request

Implemented useContext and useReducer Hooks for global state management instead of Redux

Integrated Social Login (Google OAuth) with Apollo Server 2

Display App Changes in Realtime with GraphQL Subscriptions

Dynamic image uploads using the Cloudinary API

MongoDB in the cloud

Use Mongoose to create models, CRUD and search operations, and population

Styled with the Material UI component library and Material UI Icons

The Material UI 'useMediaQuery' Hook for dead-simple mobile / responsive design

Use the Geolocation API to get Users' Current Location

Deployed to Heroku (server) and Now (client)