AI Autocomplete Forms with Language Models

Welcome to our AI-powered Autocomplete Form project. This repository contains a novel UI component that leverages language models to provide an autocomplete feature for forms based on natural language input. It's a step towards making form interactions smarter and more intuitive.

How It Works

The project integrates the capabilities of large language models, specifically OpenAI's models, to interpret and convert plain text into structured data that pre-fills a form. Here's the process:

  1. Text Input: The user inputs descriptive text into an interface.
  2. API Call: The text is sent to a backend service via an API.
  3. Language Model Processing: The backend service utilizes a language model to parse the text and extract structured data according to a predefined schema.
  4. Autocomplete: The form fields are automatically completed with the structured data, streamlining the form-filling process.

Technical Stack:

  • Next.js: For the frontend and API routes.
  • Chakra UI: For the user interface components.
  • React Hook Form: For managing form state.
  • Zod: For schema validation and TypeScript type generation.
  • Langchain: For interacting with OpenAI models.

Repository Structure:

  • models/: Contains Zod schemas for form data validation and typing.
  • components/: React components including the form and autocomplete container.
  • pages/api/autocomplete/: The API endpoint for the autocomplete feature.
  • server/: Backend logic for communicating with OpenAI's API.

Get Started

To get started with this project, clone the repository, install the dependencies, and follow the instructions to set up your environment variables, particularly the API key for OpenAI.

git clone
cd ai-autocomplete
npm install
# setup your .env with OPEN_AI_API_KEY
npm run dev

Read More

For an in-depth explanation of the concept, design decisions, and a discussion on the future enhancements planned for this project, check out our article on Medium:

🔗 Enhancing User Experience with Autocomplete Forms and Language Models


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page. Make sure to follow the guidelines when proposing changes.

Stay Updated

To stay up to date with the latest improvements and updates, watch this repository and keep an eye on the release section.