

Maniera is a digital solution aimed at connecting fashion designers with potential customers while easing documentation and services for both parties respectively. Entrepreneurs and SMEs in the fashion industry are constantly faced with the issues of reaching more target customers, efficient documentation of customer details and ease of transaction. Maniera possesses all the features that would bridge these gaps while providing a seamless experience for its users. This documentation contains product objectives, and key features


The product seeks to do the following;

  1. Understand issues facing target users (fashion designers and customers) and proffer digital solutions.
  2. Create a seamless and aesthetic experience for its users. provide efficient documentation options for fashion designers.
  3. Offer reliable, secure and intuitive modes of transaction for its users.
  4. Offer new terms of transaction e.g requesting for a particular design to ease work process for fashion designers and provide options for customers.


Remember to pull from upstream dev branch before pushing


For those yet to start, after forking and cloning the repo, do this

run this command to add up stream

git remote add upstream

then to check if it has added you should run

git remote -v

it will show you an origin branch fetch and push, and an upstream fetch and push

then do this to get the updates from the dev branch (this is where all our updates are)

git pull upstream dev