`pydot` failed to call GraphViz
unidev10 opened this issue · 4 comments
when i run the command:
dae = DAEDisaggregator(256)
i get the error:
OSError: pydot failed to call GraphViz.Please install GraphViz (https://www.graphviz.org/) and ensure that its executables are in the $PATH
but i already have pydot and graphviz installed. please help, thanks in advance!
Comment out:
i) from keras.utils import plot_model
ii) line 366 where it plots the model
thank you! it seems now i got another error for a different line.
for the line: dae.train(train_mains, train_meter, epochs=25, sample_period=1)
i get the error: ValueError: NaTType does not support dst
I tried to replicate the result and stuck at this stage as well. I imported daedisaggregator.py using %load daedisaggregator.py
Even I had installed pydot but the error on installation came out. The commenting out of the 2 lines was also done.
ImportError: Failed to import
pydot. Please install
pydot. For example with
pip install pydot`
Please help, thanks.
Usually, installing GraphViz means
sudo apt-get install graphvis
in Ubuntu/Debian or the equivalent command in other operating systems.
As for pydot you can also discuss here #8