
There are 70 repositories under nilm topic.

  • nilmtk/nilmtk

    Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Toolkit (nilmtk)

  • ch-shin/awesome-nilm

    A curated resources of awesome NILM resources

  • JackKelly/neuralnilm

    Deep Neural Networks Applied to Energy Disaggregation

  • OdysseasKr/neural-disaggregator

    Code for NILM experiments using Neural Networks. Uses Keras/Tensorflow and the NILMTK.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14393758
  • zhgqcn/awesome-NILM-with-code

    A repository of awesome Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring(NILM) with code.

  • smakonin/SparseNILM

    The super-state hidden Markov model disaggregator that uses a sparse Viterbi algorithm for decoding. This project contains the source code that was use for my IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid journal paper.

  • goruck/nilm

    Energy Management Using Real-Time Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

  • ChristoferNal/multi-nilm

    Multi-NILM: Multi Label Non Intrusive Load Monitoring

  • JackKelly/neuralnilm_prototype

    Language:Jupyter Notebook52104822
  • antoniosudoso/attention-nilm

    An Attention-based Deep Neural Network for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

  • UCA-Datalab/nilm-thresholding

    :warning: This repository is no longer actively maintained. It previously dealt with Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM), focusing on predicting household appliance status from aggregated power load data. We explored different thresholding methods and evaluated deep learning models for regression and classification tasks.

  • maechler/nnilm

    A reimplementation of Jack Kelly's rectangles neural network architecture based on Keras and the NILMToolkit.

  • mahnoor-shahid/nilm_analyzer

    Simple, fast and handy data loaders for NILM datasets to explore the data at convenience, provided with basic transformations like resampling, normalization and extract activities by thresholding.

  • LucasNolasco/DeepDFML-NILM

    A new CNN architecture to perform detection, feature extraction, and multi-label classification of loads, in non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) approaches, with a single model for high-frequency signals.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook34325
  • louisyuzhe/MachineLearning_NILM

    Undergraduate research by Yuzhe Lim in Spring 2019. Field of research: Deep Neural Networks application on NILM (Nonintrusive load monitoring) for Energy Disaggregation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook33204
  • SynD


    A Synthetic Energy Consumption Dataset for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

  • voelkerb/powermeter

    An ESP32 based plug level electricity meter

  • 18D070001/Electrical-Devices-Identification-Model

    Electrical Devices Identification Model (EDIM) for the identification of electrical devices by analyzing their energy consumption profiles.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook23213
  • mukkla/LowFreq_DNN-NILM

    Overview of research papers with focus on low frequency NILM employing DNNs

  • Henry-2000/NILM_with_PLAID_dataset

    In this repository are available codes in python for implementation of classification of loads and event detection using PLAID dataset

  • areinhardt/antgen

    AMBAL-based NILM Trace generator

  • nipunbatra/Gemello

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18453
  • arx7ti/cold-nilm

    The code to reproduce all the numerical results and the plots of the paper.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16100
  • ihomelab/dnn4nilm_overview

    Overview of NILM works employing Deep Neural Networks on low frequency data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13201


    A Moroccan Buildings’ Electricity Consumption Dataset. MORED is made available by TICLab of the International University of Rabat (UIR), and the data collection was carried out as part of PVBuild research project, coordinated by Prof. Mounir Ghogho and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

  • SrdjanLL/SensibleNILM

    Energy disaggregation - Deep learning approach.

  • compsust/ALIP_NILM

    An aided linear integer programming (ALIP) non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) algorithm.

  • LucasNolasco/ST-NILM

    ST-NILM is a new integrated architecture based on the Scattering Transform. It has a DCN (Deep Convolutional Network) with analytical wavelet-based non-trained weights, shared with fully connected output networks that perform event detection and multi-label classification of aggregate loads.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10200
  • mahnoor-shahid/seq2point

    Easy to implement and customize an end-to-end machine learning pipeline for training the archiecture of seq2point model for energy disaggregation. Run experiments and analyze training procedures or models with ease.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10110
  • Plexflo/plexflo

    An Open Source Grid Intelligence Platform for Everyone

  • antoniosudoso/nilm-bqp

    Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming for NILM

  • kbodurri/NILM

    Code for our MPS 2019 paper entitled "A Machine Learning Approach for NILM based on Odd Harmonic Current Vectors"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9302
  • smakonin/NILM_PerformanceEval

    NILM performance evaluation functions use in the Springer Energy Efficiency journal paper.

  • smakonin/RAE.dataset

    Scripts of the the Rainforest Automation Energy Dataset (RAE dataset)

  • gjwo/nilm_gjw_data

    Non Intrusive Load Monitoring data repository and data converter for NILMTK

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8423
  • smakonin/AMPds

    Scripts and things used to create the AMPds dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7200