
Ansible role to set up backups using duply in Debian-like systems

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT


CI Ansible Galaxy

Set up duplicity backups using duply in Debian-like systems.




  • duply_backup_profiles: [default: {}]: Duply backup profiles

  • duply_backup_profiles.key: The name of the profile (e.g. etc)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf: Conf declarations

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_key: Encrypt with key (optional, omitting will disable encryption)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_pw: Symmetric encryption using passphrase only (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_keys_enc: Public key to encrypt to (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_key_sign: A secret key for signing (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_pw_sign: Signing key passphrase (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg: Override the used gpg executable, defaults to gpg (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_opts: GPG options passed from duplicity to gpg process (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_test: Disable preliminary tests (optional, set to false to disable)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_import: Disable automatic gpg key importing altogether

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.gpg_export: Disable automatic gpg key exporting to profile folder

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.target: Location of the backup target, see duplicity manpage

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.target_user: Username of the backup target (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.target_pass: Password of the backup target (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.export: Environment variables to set (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.export.{n}.name: Name of the variable (e.g. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.export.{n}.value: Value of the variable (e.g. 26E1A49CFE81D46C83C2)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.source: Base directory to back up

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.dupl_precmd: A command that runs duplicity (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.python: Override the used python interpreter, defaults to python (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.exclude_if_present: Exclude if present file name (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.max_age: Time frame for old backups to keep (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.max_full_backups: Number of full backups to keep (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.max_fulls_with_incrs: Number of full backups for which incrementals will be kept for (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.max_fullbkp_age: Forces a full backup if last full backup reaches a specified age (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.volsize: Sets the size of backup chunks (optional, in MB's)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.verbosity: Verbosity of output (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.temp_dir: Temporary file space. At least the size of the biggest file in backup for a successful restoration process (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.arch_dir: Defines a folder that holds unencrypted metadata of the backup, enabling new incrementals without the need to decrypt backend metadata first (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.time_separator: Enables duplicity --time-separator option (optional, deprecated, set to true to enable)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.short_filenames: Enables duplicity --short-filenames option (optional, deprecated, set to true to enable)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.conf.dupl_params: Additional duplicity command line options. Don't forget to leave a separating space char at the end (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.pre: Pre script (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.post: Post script (optional)

  • duply_backup_profiles.key.excludes: A list of glob patterns of included or excluded files / folders (optional)

  • duply_backup_gpg_pub_keys: [default: []]: Public keys to import

  • duply_backup_gpg_ownertrusts: [default: []]: Owner trusts to import

  • duply_backup_gpg_sec_keys: [default: []]: Private keys to import

  • duply_backup_jobs: [default: []]: Duply backup jobs (scheduled by cron.d)

  • duply_backup_jobs.{n}.name: [required]: Description of a crontab entry, should be unique, and changing the value will result in a new cron task being created (e.g. duply-backup-etc)

  • duply_backup_jobs.{n}.job: [required]: The command to execute (e.g. /usr/local/bin/duply etc backup)

  • duply_backup_jobs.{n}.state: [default: present]: Whether to ensure the job is present or absent

  • duply_backup_jobs.{n}.day: [default: *]: Day of the month the job should run (1-31, *, */2)

  • duply_backup_jobs.{n}.hour: [default: *]: Hour when the job should run (e.g. 0-23, *, */2)

  • duply_backup_jobs.{n}.minute: [default: *]: Minute when the job should run (e.g. 0-59, *, */2)

  • duply_backup_jobs.{n}.month: [default: *]: Month of the year the job should run (e.g 1-12, *, */2)

  • duply_backup_jobs.{n}.weekday: [default: *]: Day of the week that the job should run (e.g. 0-6 for Sunday-Saturday, *)




  • ansible-duplicity (see, to get the latest version of duplicity)
  • ansible-duply (see, to get the latest version of duply)


Simple configuration (GPG disabled)
- hosts: all
  - oefenweb.duply-backup
          target: 'file:///tmp/duply-backup/target'
          source: '/etc'
          - '+ /etc/skel'
          - '- **'
Advance configuration (GPG enabled)

On your Ansible control machine machine in ../../../files/duply-backup/.

Generate a GPG key pair
gpg --batch --gen-key <<EOF
> %echo Generating a GPG key
> Key-Type: RSA
> Key-Length: 4096
> Subkey-Type: RSA
> Subkey-Length: 4096
> Name-Real: Duplicity Backup
> Name-Comment: localhost.localdomain
> Name-Email: root@localhost.localdomain
> Expire-Date: 0
> Passphrase: QUsNMnD6GHUTFSBruSwbJpZBhto=
> %commit
> %echo Done
gpg: Generating a GPG key
gpg: key E6564C6E marked as ultimately trusted
gpg: Done
Export the public key
gpg --output E6564C6E.pub.asc --armor --export E6564C6E;
Export the ownertrust (value 6, ultimately trusted)
echo "$(gpg --with-fingerprint E6564C6E.pub.asc | grep fingerprint | tr -d '[:space:]' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "=" } ; { print $2 }'):6:" 1> E6564C6E.ownertrust.txt;
Export the private key
gpg --output E6564C6E.sec.asc --armor --export-secret-key E6564C6E;
- hosts: all
  - oefenweb.duply-backup
          gpg_key: 'E6564C6E'
          gpg_pw: 'QUsNMnD6GHUTFSBruSwbJpZBhto='
          gpg_key_sign: 'E6564C6E'
          gpg_pw_sign: 'QUsNMnD6GHUTFSBruSwbJpZBhto='
          gpg_opts: '--pinentry-mode loopback'

          target: 'file:///data/backup/etc'
          source: '/etc'

          max_age: 1W
          max_fullbkp_age: 1M

          verbosity: 5

          arch_dir: '/data/backup/.duply-cache'
        pre: ../../../files/duply-backup/pre
        post: ../../../files/duply-backup/post
          - '+ /etc/skel'
          - '- **'

      - ../../../files/duply-backup/E6564C6E.pub.asc
      - ../../../files/duply-backup/E6564C6E.ownertrust.txt
      - ../../../files/duply-backup/E6564C6E.sec.asc
      - name: duply-backup-etc
        job: /usr/local/bin/duply etc backup
        minute: "0"



Author Information

Mischa ter Smitten

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!