Bucket List App

Intro To Underscore and Ajax

Bucket List App

Intro To Underscore and Ajax

We can start an app let's call it a bucket_list_app

rails new bucket_list_app

rails g model bucket_item title description completed:boolean

rake db:migrate

This is the seed file we will paste into our seeds.rb in the /db folder

	[ {title: "See the Pyramids", description: "Love ancient Egypt!", completed: false },
    {title: "See the Golden Gate Bridge", description: "Love Bridges!", completed: false },
    {title: "See the Great Wall of China", description: "Whoot for big walls", completed: false },
    {title: "Go to Antarctica", description: "Cold Dark Places", completed: false },
    {title: "Go to the Himalayas", description: "Pretty quiet", completed: false },
    {title: "Ride a horse through Petra", description: "go to Jordan", completed: false },
    {title: "Climb in the Grampians", description: "go to Aus", completed: false },
    {title: "See lemurs", description: "go to Madagascar", completed: false },
    {title: "See a snow monkey", description: "go to Japan", completed: false },
    {title: "Visit ancient rice paddies", description: "go to China", completed: true },
    {title: "Surf in Hawaii", description: "ride mellow waves in warm water", completed: false }

Now you can

 rake db:seed 

and if you rake db:reset what do you see if you type @BucketItem.all in the console?

rake db:drop to drop our tables

rake db:create to create our db

rake db:migrate to create our tables

rake db:seed to seed our database

rails g controller BucketItems index

Before we start editing the controller lets clean up the routes.rb add

root to: "bucket_items#index"

resources :bucket_items 

in the index we want to start putting some logic

def index
    #Used later as well
    @bucket_items = BucketItem.all
    #Useful later for creating a form
    @bucket_item = BucketItem.new

    respond_to do |format|
        format.html # which will just go find and rend index.html.erb
        format.json { render :json => @bucket_items } # renders @bucket_items.to_json

What do you see if you go to http://localhost:3000/bucket_items.json???

you should see

[{"completed":false,"created_at":"2013-11-01T01:15:21Z","description":"Love ancient Egypt!","id":1,"title":"See the Pyramids","updated_at":"2013-11-01T01:15:21Z"},....]

Now before we go any further, let's grab our js for underscore

##underscore raw

We need to select all that code and copy it into our `app/assets/

or in command line in the directory for your app

curl -G https://raw.github.com/jashkenas/underscore/master/underscore-min.js > app/assets/javascripts/underscore.js

in your Web Console

    GET THIS => 1.5.2 (if it works)

Now we should on our index.html.erb

Anil Says :> Note guys! jQuery let's us do ajax three different ways

jQuery Ajax
$.ajax() // For the rest
<h1> Bucket List </h1>
<!-- This is for creating new items -->

<%= form_for @bucket_item do |f| %>
    <%= f.text_field :title, placeholder: "Title" %> <br>
    <%= f.text_area :description, placeholder: "Description" %> <br>
    <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

<!-- This is for appending items -->
<div id="bucket_items">

Now let's move to our /application.js and attach a click to our sumbit button and we need to do what to keep the page from reload?

1.) event.preventDefault

2.) need to wait for that submit to load in the DOM.

3.) We can also define a template for loading each item into the 'bucket_items' div


    // note use single ticks (') for starting strings
    // and you can use double ticks (") inside
    //      our initial template
    //      var bucket_template = _.template('<div id="<%= id %>"> <%= title %> </div>')
    // We add delete and checkbox buttons
    var bucket_template = _.template('<div id="<%= id %>">' +
                                     'Title: <%= title %> <br>' + 
                                     'Description: <%= description %><br>' +
                                     '<input  data-id="<%= id  %>" <%= completed? "checked":""%> type="checkbox">' +
                                     '<button data-id="<%= id  %>" data-method="delete">Delete</button></div>')
    // We need to grab the SUBMIT button it has the `name="commit"`
        // keep the page from reloading
        // Recall when talked about the params hash?
        // We want to build that hash up and send it
        // to server...  so we need to grab it from 
        // each input field
        // Grab fields
        var $title = $('#bucket_item_title')
        var $description = $('#bucket_item_description')
        // If we type  
        //      var $title = $('#bucket_item_title')
        //      console.log($title)
        // in our webconsole we see it returns the input field
        //      console.log($title.val()) 
        // returns the actual value in that field
        // Build params
        var params = { bucket_item: {title: $title.val(),
                                     description: $description.val() }}
         // We have to clear the form after someone clicks
        // so we replace the field value with an empty string
        // Finally we need to make an ajax request with those 
        // params we created
        // We use post because we are creating!b
        // What route are we posting to? Why?
        $.post("/bucket_items", params).done(function(response_data){
            var bucket_html = bucket_template(response_data)
            // Let's prepend that to the div
    // Make sure we display all of our objects
    // We can make a GET request
        //We can check to make sure we get a respone back
        // by logging
        // We go through each item in the response data
       _.each(response_data, function(item){
           // We need to render the item as html      
           var bucket_html = bucket_template(item)
           // We need to put the bucket_html in the div
    // Begins editing template
    // Lets delegate to all bucket_items a click event handler on the delete button
    $('#bucket_items').on('click', 'button[data-method="delete"]', function(event){
        // We can grab this button with jQuery
        // console.log($(this).parent())
        // We could say $(this).parent().attr("id")
        // and delete that item
        var id = $(this).attr("data-id")
        // 1.)  We need to use the id to 
        //      send a delete request over ajax -- 
        //      we also have a controller method 
        //      to hanlde that delete
        // 2.)  When that happens we need to remove it
        //      from the DOM
            url: "/bucket_items/"+id,
            method: "DELETE"
            var item_id = "#"+id;
    //Let's work on our checkbox
    $('#bucket_items').on('click', 'input[type="checkbox"]', function(event){
         var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
         var checked = this.checked;
        url: "/bucket_items/" + id,
        method: "PUT",
        data: {bucket_item: {completed: checked}}



We need to handle the create in our BucketItemsController using #create

def create
    # recall params[:bucket_item]
    @bucket_item = BucketItem.create(params[:bucket_item])
    render :json => @bucket_item, status: 201

We need to define a destroy method to remove the object from the DB

  def destroy 
     render text: "removed bucket_item #{id}", status: 200

We need an update method to handle the PUT

def update
    @bucket_item = BucketItem.find(params[:id])
    render nothing: true, status: :success