
Nostradambot 2.0 Application

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nostradambot 2 API

Project Setup

  1. Clone this repository
  2. npm install
  3. Create a development postgres database in your development environment using the names and credentials of your choice
  4. Setup your environment variables according to the .env.example file (see below)
  5. Run npm run migrate:up to bring your dev database up to speed
  6. Run npm run db:reset to seed your database with some sample data
  7. Run npm run dev to start the development environment

Environment Variables

Create a database in your local postgres installation and set variables from .env.example to a local copy of .env.

Many variables are preloaded with default configurations, but you'll need to add some:

  1. DATABASE_URL should be your fully qualified postgres database url, such as postgresql://username:password@domain:port/databasename
  2. DISCORD_CLIENT_API_KEY should be a high entroy randomly generated key to allow clients to connect to your development environment. Whether you are building the Discord bot or the Web Portal, this key should match across those platforms.
  3. WEBHOOK_DISCORD_BOT is a receiving URL for webhooks, should you need to work with those. This API sends data to it when events happen to the data. It is designed for use with the Discord Bot and not the web portal.

Developing for NDB2 API


To create a new migration, run npm run migrate:create my-migration-description -- --sql-file.

Denormalized Data

This database makes use of denormalized data to reduce query times. The core tables (season, predictions, users, bets, and votes) are often aggregated together and compared (sometimes all five) which can make nested loops and conditional for counts that drive queries into unacceptable response times.

All denormalized data in this DB are managed using Postgres Triggers and Functions to ensure consistency. This can become difficult to keep track of.

This README aims to keep a running list of denormalized data and the functions which update them for database planning.

LEVEL 1 Denormalized Data

These data are triggered to change directly as a result of normalized data. Core data changes trigger them.

  • predictions.status
    • refresh_prediction_status() is called to refresh one prediction's status on INSERT or UPDATE (retired_date, closed_date, judged_date) on predictions
  • predictions.season_id
    • refresh_prediction_seasons('prediction') is called to refresh one prediction's season_id on INSERT or UPDATE (due_date, closed_date) on predictions
    • refresh_prediction_seasons('all) is called to refresh all predictions' season_ids on INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE (start, "end") on seasons
  • predictions.season_applicable
    • refresh_prediction_season_applicable() is called to refresh one prediction's season_applicable ON UPDATE (season_id) on predictions
  • bets.wager
    • refresh_wager('prediction') is called to update all bets for single prediction on UPDATE (due_date, closed_date) to predictions table
    • refresh_wager('bet') is called to update a single bet on INSERT to bets table
  • bets.valid
    • refresh_valid('prediction') is called to update all bets for single prediction on UPDATE (closed_date) to predictions table
    • refresh_valid('bet') is called to update single bet on UPDATE (date) to bets table
  • seasons.wager_cap
    • refresh_wager_cap is called to update the wager cap on a single season on INSERT or UPDATE (start, 'end') on seasons;

LEVEL 2 Denormalized Data

These data are triggered to change as a result of Level 1 De-normalized data. Core data changes may trigger them as well.

  • predicitions.endorse_ratio and predictions.undorse_ratio
    • refresh_prediction_ratios_from_bet is called to refresh both of these ratios on UPDATE (wager, valid, endorsed) of bets
    • refresh_prediction_ratios_from_season is called to refresh both of these ratios on UPDATE (payout_formula) of seasons
    • refresh_prediction_ratios_from_prediction is called to refresh both of these ratios on UPDATE (season_id) of predictions

LEVEL 3 Denormalized Data

These data are triggered to change as a result of LEvel 2 De-normalized data. Core data changes may trigger them as well.

  • bets.payout and bets.season_payout
    • refresh_payouts_from_season is called to refresh both of these payouts on UPDATE (payout_formula, wager_cap) of seasons
    • refresh_payouts_from_prediction is called to refresh both of these payouts on UPDATE (status, endorse_ratio, undorse_ratio) of predictions!