Rationale [WIP]

Public Badges are an evidence-based certification system for the ethical internet. As part of the PublicSpaces initiative, our aim is to (re)establish trust relations, between citizens, organizations, and govenments.

By combining Open Badges with automated unit tests, we make the ethical values of organizations, products, projects, and protocols visbile as well as measurable.

The goal of the Public Badges is not to come up with an one size fits all value system for the internet. Instead, it is a tool to facilitate discussion about the choice of values within a pluralist landscape.

Pilot Phase - Zero Badge

We are currently in a pilot phase, testing the so-called Zero Badge. This phase is only open to current members of the PublicSpaces Coalition, but we aim to broaden our scope and reach later this year.

The current state and envisioned roadmap of the project can be found here

Flow [TODO]

For a more detailed explanation of how the Public Badges Flow works, we refer you to the following poster for now.


This project is in a very early stage. Currently, we are not actively looking for contributors, but that does not mean you are not welcome to reach out to us. It may take us a bit to be ready to onboard you, but at least we can start a conversation and get to know each other.

Since this project, involves much more than code alone, don't hesitate to get involved if you don't know how to program at all. If all goes well, we'll need people with various skill sets to make this project a success: writers, political theorists, lawyers, designers, coders or just anyone who is passionate about the future of the ethical internet and the ways we are going to govern it.

If that's you, don't hesitate to contact us. You are welcome!


Jan Hein Hoogstad: Concept development, system architecture, and backend development

Alain Otjens: UI/UX design and frontend development

Sander van der Waal: Community and Project Management and Documentation

Many thanks to Chris Julien, Laurens de Knijff, and Marieke Veling for their substantial contributions during earlier phases of this project's development.