Orbit monitoring tools

Tools to help monitor Orbit chains

Available tools:

  • Find new rollups
  • Find pending retryables

Find new rollups


yarn findRollups

Available options:

  • showInactive (true/false, default false): Also shows inactive rollups
  • fromBlockEth, fromBlockArbOne, fromBlockArbNova (default 0): Specifies from which block to search for new rollups


yarn findRollups --showInactive=true --fromBlockEth=18913723

Find pending retryables


yarn findPendingRetryables

Available options:

  • fromBlock, toBlock: Range of blocks in the parent chain to search SubmitRetryable events
  • showOnlyPending: If true, it will only show the pending retraybles and not the successfully redeemed one (default false)
yarn findPendingRetryables --fromBlock=166757506