
AssemblyScript - Stylus tests

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Stylus - AssemblyScript example program (Sieve of Erathosthenes)

Example of a basic smart contract written in AssemblyScript and compiled to WebAssembly (WASM) to be used on Arbitrum Stylus. It contains an implementation of the sieve of Erathosthenes algorithm.

Stylus is is an upgrade to Arbitrum, an Ethereum-focused, smart contract blockchain that scales the network. In addition to supporting Ethereum smart contracts written in Solidity, Stylus supports programs written in WebAssembly. Because AssemblyScript compiles to WASM, it can be used to create smart contracts to be used on Stylus.


In order to make your AS program work on Stylus, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The main entry point for the WASM program has to be a specific function called user_entrypoint. There's no need to make any configuration options, but that function must exist, and should receive an i32 (the length of the byte stream received by input) and return another i32 (0 on success, and 1 on error).
  • Input data is read from memory by calling the Stylus function read_args
  • Output data is written in the memory by calling the Stylus function write_result
  • bulk-memory needs to be disabled. When using it, AS will use the DataCountSection of WASM, which is not supported by Stylus yet
  • The runtime variant to use must be minimal or stub, otherwise Stylus won't be able to handle memory instructions effectively
  • A custom abort function needs to be declared
  • It is recommended to use the optimization options available on AS

This repository holds all these changes and also wraps the Stylus specific flow into its own folder, stylus, so the developer only needs to worry about working from the main() function in the app.ts file. That main() function takes the bytes received by the smart contract in Uint8Array form, and has to return the bytes that the smart contract will output, also in Uint8Array form.

Installation of the Stylus Cargo subcommand

Install the latest version of Rust, and then install the Stylus CLI tool with Cargo

cargo install cargo-stylus

Add the wasm32-unknown-unknown build target to your Rust compiler:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

You should now have it available as a Cargo subcommand:

cargo stylus --help

Steps to build and test

Install dependencies

npm ci

Compile to WASM

npm run asbuild

Test locally (optional)

npm run test:local 56

Check WASM program with stylus

cargo stylus check --wasm-file-path ./build/release.wasm

Estimate gas usage for deployment

cargo stylus deploy --wasm-file-path ./build/release.wasm --private-key=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY --estimate-gas-only

Deploy smart contract

cargo stylus deploy --wasm-file-path ./build/release.wasm --private-key=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY

Test on-chain

npm run test:onchain 56

A note on the local testing file

The file test/local.js contains a very basic simulation of how read_args and write_result behave on Stylus. This file is included only as an example of how one could build a local testing environment fully on JS before deploying the smart contract on Stylus.

Algorithm implementation

The implementation of the sieve of Erathosthenes algorithm is a slightly modified version of t-katsumura's implementation, available at https://github.com/t-katsumura/webassembly-examples-eratosthenes.


This project is fully open source, including an Apache-2.0 or MIT license at your choosing under your own copyright.