
Run ExUnit tests from an Elixir OTP Release

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Run ExUnit tests from an Elixir OTP Release.

Including tests

ExUnitRelease allows you to package and run ExUnit tests with an Elixir generated OTP release. ExUnitRelease works with Elixir generated OTP releases and not Distillery.

To learn more about how to configure your project to use Elixir releases see the docs. Ensure that you have run mix release.init to generate the rel directory and some basic release config files.

Add :ex_unit_release to your dependencies:

{:ex_unit_release, "~> 0.1", only: :test}

In this example, we limit the dependency to only :test, but you could include it for all environments. This is useful if you want to use ExUnit test results as a means of performing recovery actions.

The tests that you run at runtime will likely differ from the tests that you would run at compile time. Therefore, the default location of the tests to be included are at rel/test. You can generate the initial files by running

MIX_ENV=test mix ex_unit_release.init

Test files need to be included in the release so they are available at runtime. To include test files, you need to add &ExUnitRelease.include/1 to your release steps. Here is an example of how to include these tests when the release is being built for the test env:

def project do
    app: my_app,
    version: "0.1.0",
    elixir: "~> 1.9",
    # ...
    releases: [
      my_app: [
        steps: [:assemble] ++ ex_unit_release(Mix.env)

defp ex_unit_release(:test),
  do: [&ExUnitRelease.include/1]

defp ex_unit_release(_),
  do: []

Running tests

ExUnitRelease tests can be run by calling ExUnitRelease.run/1 at runtime. Any options passed to this command will be sent to ExUnit.configure/1.

iex> ExUnitRelease.run
 {"\e[32m.\e[0m\n\nFinished in 0.1 seconds\n\e[32m1 test, 0 failures\e[0m\n\nRandomized with seed 262631\n",
  %{excluded: 0, failures: 0, skipped: 0, total: 1}}}