This Power Tool is a Visual Studio add-in that provides an easy way to parse and edit Open Packaging Conventions files, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents.
- 0xfeeddeadbeef@TBCBank
- achbaumannGermany
- AdonousTechAdonous Tech LLC
- ahadshafiqHalifax, N.S, Canada
- AKrasheninnikov
- augustoproiete@stablehouse
- bbqchickenrobotMicrobians
- bervukas
- birbilisZoomicon
- coolgate
- danielweckDAISY Consortium - EDRLab - Readium Foundation
- davgitSydney, Australia. Mountain View, California, United States
- dmositecore
- dnwadeLos Angeles
- DoCode
- dpvreonyUK
- eduardpaulNTT DATA
- eldabbaghHistogram LLC
- erfannouryCupertino, CA
- fltsCapgemini
- ganeshanSterling,MA
- hhedmanStockholm, Sweden
- huoxudong125China
- iwhpLiechtenstein
- jawnBelgium
- mariosaccoiaNova Tech Consulting
- matijagrcic
- Nangal
- neremin
- RaffaeleTVenezia, Italia
- rodedBMC
- rodmanwu
- samalloingKB - National Library of the Netherlands
- TreyPoint
- yannduranLuminous Software Solutions @luminous-software
- zkhadikov-oldich Ag