
ngrok - issue with ignoring default config path

iojohnso opened this issue · 1 comments

This took me a while to track down, so thought I would create an issue here. I am running on MacOS.

I was running into the ERR_NGROK_6022 error when following the 'bot-sso' sample. As described in the README, it suggested to ensure my authtoken was saved in my config by running the following command:

~ npx ngrok authtoken MYAUTHTOKENHERE

Authtoken saved to configuration file: /Users/MYUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/ngrok/ngrok.yml

After debugging for awhile, I noticed one of the VS Code terminals was logging the following...

Starting local tunnel service

"/Users/MYUSERNAME/.fx/bin/ngrok/node_modules/ngrok/bin/ngrok" http 3978 --log=stdout --log-format=logfmt

lvl=info msg="no configuration paths supplied"
lvl=info msg="ignoring default config path, could not stat it" path=/Users/MYUSERNAME/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml err="stat /Users/MYUSERNAME/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml: no such file or directory"

So it appears it is looking for a different config location for my ngrok.yml. Once I copied the ngrok.yml to the .ngrok2 folder, my consent process is now working as expected.

Is there something in this code base and/or dependencies that should be updated?


Same issue here.