Scenario-focused sample applications that help you get started with building Microsoft Teams App.
Pinned issues
- 4
[Sample Onboard Request] bug report
#1346 opened by daniela2000111 - 12
[Sample Onboard Request] Policies Graph connector
#1323 opened by waldekmastykarz - 2
[Sample Onboard Request] Browse the menu and place an order at a local Italian restaurant using Microsoft 365 Copilot
#1348 opened by waldekmastykarz - 2
Bot SSO sample cannot show login button
#1347 opened by blackchoey - 4
Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
#1330 opened by xxxpsyduck - 7
Deploy is failing
#1279 opened by diegoriera - 3
Action based message extension with SSO
#1284 opened by jamzi - 2
Sample not working as Single Tenant
#1278 opened by diegoriera - 3
[Sample Onboard Request] Graph RSC Helper
#1298 opened by xzf0587 - 17
- 3
[Sample Onboard Request] Word-Add-In-Writing-Assistant
#1214 opened by xiruatms - 4
- 5
- 4
- 5
[Sample Onboard Request] Excel-Add-in-Mail-Merge
#1219 opened by XuanZhouMSFT - 4
[Sample Onboard Request] Word-Add-In-AIGC
#1224 opened by xiruatms - 5
- 2
[Sample Onboard Request] Teams Chef Bot
#1164 opened by MuyangAmigo - 4
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[Sample Onboard Request] Intelligent Data Chart Generator
#1125 opened by huimiu - 3
The graph-connector-app does not work
#1209 opened by Krizz1983 - 2
Update sample dependencies
#1173 opened by therealjohn - 2
[Sample Onboard Request] Using multiple parameters in a plugin for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using JavaScript and Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code sample
#1095 opened by aycabas - 3
[Sample Onboard Request] Reddit Link Unfurling sample
#1101 opened by yukun-dong - 4
Error Building React Retail Dasboard
#1111 opened by GeorgiaGit - 4
[Sample Onboard Request] Using multiple parameters in a plugin for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using TypeScript and Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code sample
#1096 opened by aycabas - 4
Add app icon to samples
#1102 opened by erikadoyle - 3
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[Sample Onboard Request] EcoGroceries Call Center message extension with Cognitive Search sample
#1093 opened by aycabas - 1
[Sample Onboard Request] Using multiple parameters in a plugin for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 using .NET and Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio sample
#1094 opened by aycabas - 12
[Sample Onboard Request] Ingest custom API data into Microsoft 365 with a Microsoft Graph connector
#1083 opened by garrytrinder - 6
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[Sample Onboard Request] Teams Conversation Bot
#1076 opened by frankqianms - 6
[Sample Onboard Request] Graph Connector Bot
#1060 opened by formulahendry - 5
[Sample Onboard Request] Large Scale Notification Bot
#1040 opened by yiqing-zhao - 2
Unable to get any of the samples work - at last stage
#1030 opened by lokeshv23 - 2
todo-list-SPFx fails with SharePoint 404
#934 opened by johnnydecimal - 0
[Test issue for triage bot]
#1024 opened by xzf0587 - 1
[Test issue for triage bot]
#1025 opened by JohannesLampel - 1
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Cannot add the tab to meetings
#939 opened by 42694647426 - 1
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ngrok - issue with ignoring default config path
#794 opened by iojohnso - 1
"[Ext.TaskDefinitionError]: The value of 'ngrokArgs' is invalid for the task of type 'teamsfx'"
#882 opened by mattgillam - 9
Notification blob storage is not filled
#615 opened by Aaron0176 - 2
- 1
- 0
Are or will (incoming) webhooks be available on Teams Home (Family & Friends) Edition?
#724 opened by codeaphex - 2
Getting an error when running whosnext project
#703 opened by youngwoohome