"[Ext.TaskDefinitionError]: The value of 'ngrokArgs' is invalid for the task of type 'teamsfx'"
mattgillam opened this issue · 1 comments
I'm attempting to run this app: https://github.com/OfficeDev/TeamsFx-Samples/tree/dev/hello-world-bot-with-tab by following its README.
When running Debug (Edge) I see the error message "[Ext.TaskDefinitionError]: The value of 'ngrokArgs' is invalid for the task of type 'teamsfx'"
I have env/.env.local BOT_DOMAIN set to xxxxx.ngrok-free.app and BOT_ENDPOINT set to https://xxxxx.ngrok-free.app (xxxx is reported to me when I run ngrok).
Also when attempting to follow the provisioning instructions in terminal I see "(✖) [Core.IncompatibleProject]: Your TeamFx CLI version is old and it doesn't support current project, please upgrade to the latest version using command below:
npm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest"
This is after having already run the required command "npm install -g @microsoft/teamsfx-cli@latest"
I updated VS Code TeamsFx Extension to v4.99.2023021100 using the Visix file as instructed.
How can I run this app?
Thank you.
The issue seems to be related to the 'visix' based upgrade of Teams Toolkit Extension not updating the extension to 5.0.
It was necessary to select 'Prerelease version' on the extension's info page in VS Code.