
Use "github" official api to get some data and modify it in "mathplotlib"

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Use "github" official api to get some data and modify it in "mathplotlib".


First you need to install 'requests' library on your system.

pip install requests

After that you need the url of Github api.


Basically you send a get request to that api and that api just responses with a data. In our case the data is json.

After we get the data we collect the key data we need and then store them in a dictionary.


We use plotlt to show the statistics in a plot.

First you need to install 'plotly' library on your system.

pip install plotly

After that you send the modified data to plotly.graph and it will create the plot for you.

Contact me at officialamirhossein21@gmail.com or najafizadeh21@gmail.com