
Source code for the paper "Extracting the Multiscale Causal Backbone of Brain Dynamics"

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the source code for the paper Extracting the Multiscale Causal Backbone of Brain Dynamics.


In order to properly run the provided code, please install the dependencies reported in the file cb.yml.

As per conda documentation, you can create the conda environment CB by running the following command in your terminal:

    conda env create -f cb.yml

Once the environment has been successfully created, if using VS Code, then type

    code .

and select the CB environment from those available. Otherwise, please activate it

    conda activate CB

and run the provided IPython notebooks. To deactivate the environment, simply run

    conda deactivate


Since the size of the files is large, it is not feasible to upload the data on this repository. However, data are available upon requests. The data dir is supposed to be in the same folder of notebooks.

Source code

The code folder contains the implementation of the methods used in the paper, along with utils and evaluation metrics.

IPython notebooks

  • The 0.* and 1.* notebooks reproduce our case study on fMRI data.
  • The 2.* notebooks reproduce the empirical assessment on synthetic data.