

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Scheme Cast

The goal is - putting some brain in the simple action of object to class casting.

scheme-cast is a mechanism that allow building a costume object-to-class cast process with a simple class definition combined with class-property decorators helpers.

The motivation developing this module is to abstract the validation & parsing process in to a more convenient process we'll call "cast", additionally by embedding the cast (validation & parsing) process in to the class definition we avoid redundancies.

This team inspire to deliver :

  • simple as can be code.
  • 100% tested.
  • 100% documented.
  • extendable.

An inside view of the core :

The decoration (referred as "Definition") used in a class are stored in a Definition-Map object, and by calling cast method with the class C and an object O, the map is extracted from the class C's metadata and applied on object O.

The Declaration (from now referred as 'definition') are divide into several types (a DefinitionType) :

  • 'required'
  • 'default'
  • 'transform-pre-validate'
  • 'validate'
  • 'scheme-ref'
  • 'transform'

The main components of a Definition are its DefinitionType and DefinitionAction (a function holding the logic behind the definition).

// (mention somewhere) the action resolved value used in a different ways, depending on the definition type

Executing the cast method, apply each definition on the property it's decorating, in most cases more then one definition will be used on a property, and probably with different types, for example :

class User {

    @Required()     // DefinitionType : 'required'
    @StringType     // DefinitionType : 'validate'
    name: string;

    @Required()     // DefinitionType : 'required'
    @NumberType     // DefinitionType : 'validate'
    age: number;

The type of the definition determent the order it will be applied in relation to other definitions (on the same property). the order of applying is :

  1. 'required'
  2. 'default'
  3. 'transform-pre-validate'
  4. 'validate'
  5. 'scheme-ref'
  6. 'transform'

The cast method will apply the definitions of each property individually, in a stateful loop, 'stateful' in the sense that previous definition execution on a properly can effect the way the next will be executed (this concept is crucial to understanding the behavior of the cast method). An example fo a stateful effect is a 'default' type definition used with a 'required' type definition ;

class User {

    name: string;

In the following example, the name property of a user defined as 'required', therefor the value passed to 'default' type definition will be ignored (even in case no value provided to name property).

A second (and important) stateful effect, is a 'validate' type definition used with a 'transform' type definition, as intuition suggest, any 'transform' type definition will be applied on a property if all 'validate' type definitions on that property will be resolved.

class User {

    @Validate(({value}) =>  /* at least 8 chars */)
    @Validate(({value}) =>  /* contain capital */)
    @Validate(({value}) =>  /* contain lower */)
    @Validate(({value}) =>  /* contain special char */)
    @Transform(({value}) => /* cal sync-hash on the plain pass */)
    pass: string;

In the following example, only if all the 'validate' type definition will be resolved the 'transform' type definition will be applied on the pass property.


scheme-cast / core / cast

function cast<T>(schemeClass: Class<T>, rawValue: { [key: string]: any }): ConstructResult<T>

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / Required

@Required<Class = any>(condition?: (ref: Class)=>boolean )

Definition Type : required

  • Generic form of this type.

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / Optional

@Optional<ClassType=any>(condition?: (ref: ClassType)=>boolean )

Definition Type : required

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / Default

@Default(defaultValue: any)

Definition Type : default

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / GenerateDefault

@GenerateDefault<ClassType=any>(defaultValueGenerate: DefinitionAction<ClassType>)

Definition Type : default

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / Validate

@Validate<ClassType=any>(validate: DefinitionAction<boolean, ClassType>)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / Forbidden


Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / Exists


Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / Equals

@Equals(val: any)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / EqualsToOneOf

@EqualsToOneOf(valList: Array<any>)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / EqualsStrict

@EqualsStrict(valList: Array<any>)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / EqualsStrictToOneOf

@EqualsStrictToOneOf(valList: Array<any>)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / NotEquals

@NotEquals(val: any)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / NotEqualsStrict

@NotEqualsStrict(val: any)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / NotEqualsToEnyOf

@NotEqualsToEnyOf(valList: Array<any>)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

scheme-cast / definitions / NotEqualsStrictToEnyOf

@NotEqualsStrictToEnyOf(valList: Array<any>)

Definition Type : validate

Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx


  • support pass options to definitions
  • create a post transform validation options - √
  • create a Scheme class decorator for passing options


import { cast } from '../lib/core/cast'
import { 
    Optional, Required, Transform, Default, 
    ArrayType, BooleanType, ObjectType, StringType, NumberType 
} from '../lib/core'

class RequestBody {

    sku: string;

    name: string;

    price: number;

    @Transform(({value}) => new ObjectID(value))
    category:  ObjectID;

    @Transform(({value}) => new ObjectID(value))
    sub_category: ObjectID;

    images_url: Array<string>;

    active:  boolean;

    meta: any;
const input = { 
    sku: '100101', name: 'some name', 
    price: 10, category: '5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47', 
    sub_category: '5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47', 
    images_url: ['url'], meta: {}
const result01: RequestBody = cast(RequestBody, input)

    // ==== result01 : ====

        "errors": [],
        "value": {
            "sku": "100101",
            "name": "some name",
            "price": 10,
            "category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47",         // ObjectID instance
            "sub_category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47",     // ObjectID instance
            "images_url": [
            "meta": {},
            "active": true
        "rawValue": {
            "sku": "100101",
            "name": "some name",
            "price": 10,
            "category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47",         // typeof string
            "sub_category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47",     // typeof string
            "images_url": [
            "meta": {}
const input = { 
    name: 'some name', 
    price: "10", 
    sub_category: '5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47', 
    images_url: ['url'], 
const result02: RequestBody = cast(RequestBody, input)

    // ==== result02 : ====

        "errors": [
                "sku": [
                        "message": "Error - Required failed, on field : sku."
                        "message": "Error - Type:StringType failed, on field : sku."
                "price": [
                        "message": "Error - Type:NumberType failed, on field : price."
                "category": [
                        "message": "Error - Required failed, on field : category."
        "value": {
            "name": "some name",
            "price": "10",
            "sub_category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47",         // ObjectID instance
            "images_url": [
            "active": true
        "rawValue": {
            "name": "some name",
            "price": "10",
            "sub_category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47",         // typeof string
            "images_url": [