The goal is - putting some brain in the simple action of object to class casting.
is a mechanism that allow building a costume object-to-class cast process with a simple class definition combined with class-property decorators helpers.
The motivation developing this module is to abstract the validation & parsing process in to a more convenient process we'll call "cast", additionally by embedding the cast (validation & parsing) process in to the class definition we avoid redundancies.
- simple as can be code.
- 100% tested.
- 100% documented.
- extendable.
The decoration (referred as "Definition") used in a class are stored in a Definition-Map object, and by calling cast
method with the class C
and an object O
, the map is extracted from the class C
's metadata and applied on object O
The Declaration (from now referred as 'definition') are divide into several types (a DefinitionType
) :
- 'required'
- 'default'
- 'transform-pre-validate'
- 'validate'
- 'scheme-ref'
- 'transform'
The main components of a Definition are its DefinitionType
and DefinitionAction
(a function holding the logic behind the definition).
// (mention somewhere) the action resolved value used in a different ways, depending on the definition type
Executing the cast
method, apply each definition on the property it's decorating, in most cases more then one definition will be used on a property, and probably with different types, for example :
class User {
@Required() // DefinitionType : 'required'
@StringType // DefinitionType : 'validate'
name: string;
@Required() // DefinitionType : 'required'
@NumberType // DefinitionType : 'validate'
age: number;
The type of the definition determent the order it will be applied in relation to other definitions (on the same property). the order of applying is :
- 'required'
- 'default'
- 'transform-pre-validate'
- 'validate'
- 'scheme-ref'
- 'transform'
The cast
method will apply the definitions of each property individually, in a stateful loop, 'stateful' in the sense that previous definition execution on a properly can effect the way the next will be executed (this concept is crucial to understanding the behavior of the cast
An example fo a stateful effect is a 'default' type definition used with a 'required' type definition ;
class User {
name: string;
In the following example, the name
property of a user defined as 'required', therefor the value passed to 'default' type definition will be ignored (even in case no value provided to name
A second (and important) stateful effect, is a 'validate' type definition used with a 'transform' type definition, as intuition suggest, any 'transform' type definition will be applied on a property if all 'validate' type definitions on that property will be resolved.
class User {
@Validate(({value}) => /* at least 8 chars */)
@Validate(({value}) => /* contain capital */)
@Validate(({value}) => /* contain lower */)
@Validate(({value}) => /* contain special char */)
@Transform(({value}) => /* cal sync-hash on the plain pass */)
pass: string;
In the following example, only if all the 'validate' type definition will be resolved the 'transform' type definition will be applied on the pass
function cast<T>(schemeClass: Class<T>, rawValue: { [key: string]: any }): ConstructResult<T>
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@Required<Class = any>(condition?: (ref: Class)=>boolean )
Definition Type : required
- Generic form of this type.
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@Optional<ClassType=any>(condition?: (ref: ClassType)=>boolean )
Definition Type : required
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@Default(defaultValue: any)
Definition Type : default
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@GenerateDefault<ClassType=any>(defaultValueGenerate: DefinitionAction<ClassType>)
Definition Type : default
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@Validate<ClassType=any>(validate: DefinitionAction<boolean, ClassType>)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@Equals(val: any)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@EqualsToOneOf(valList: Array<any>)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@EqualsStrict(valList: Array<any>)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@EqualsStrictToOneOf(valList: Array<any>)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@NotEquals(val: any)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@NotEqualsStrict(val: any)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@NotEqualsToEnyOf(valList: Array<any>)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
@NotEqualsStrictToEnyOf(valList: Array<any>)
Definition Type : validate
Description :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Example :
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
- support pass options to definitions
- create a post transform validation options - √
- create a Scheme class decorator for passing options
import { cast } from '../lib/core/cast'
import {
Optional, Required, Transform, Default,
ArrayType, BooleanType, ObjectType, StringType, NumberType
} from '../lib/core'
class RequestBody {
sku: string;
name: string;
price: number;
@Transform(({value}) => new ObjectID(value))
category: ObjectID;
@Transform(({value}) => new ObjectID(value))
sub_category: ObjectID;
images_url: Array<string>;
active: boolean;
meta: any;
const input = {
sku: '100101', name: 'some name',
price: 10, category: '5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47',
sub_category: '5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47',
images_url: ['url'], meta: {}
const result01: RequestBody = cast(RequestBody, input)
// ==== result01 : ====
"errors": [],
"value": {
"sku": "100101",
"name": "some name",
"price": 10,
"category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47", // ObjectID instance
"sub_category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47", // ObjectID instance
"images_url": [
"meta": {},
"active": true
"rawValue": {
"sku": "100101",
"name": "some name",
"price": 10,
"category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47", // typeof string
"sub_category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47", // typeof string
"images_url": [
"meta": {}
const input = {
name: 'some name',
price: "10",
sub_category: '5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47',
images_url: ['url'],
const result02: RequestBody = cast(RequestBody, input)
// ==== result02 : ====
"errors": [
"sku": [
"message": "Error - Required failed, on field : sku."
"message": "Error - Type:StringType failed, on field : sku."
"price": [
"message": "Error - Type:NumberType failed, on field : price."
"category": [
"message": "Error - Required failed, on field : category."
"value": {
"name": "some name",
"price": "10",
"sub_category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47", // ObjectID instance
"images_url": [
"active": true
"rawValue": {
"name": "some name",
"price": "10",
"sub_category": "5eb1b84063688674dbd9df47", // typeof string
"images_url": [